Chapter ✿ Sixty Two

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Louis gently places the necklace on his chest, clipping the chain at the back as he looks into the mirror of Lottie's room. The chain had fallen out of Harry's hand when he had laid the man down and Louis decided it was better to keep it safe, even if Harry wasn't giving it back to him.

"Come in," he calls when a knock on his door sounds and he turns to meet Niall. "Ni!" Louis yells, rushing over as quickly as possible to launch himself into Niall's wide-open arms. "I missed you!"

Niall clings to him with one hand, holding the boy as closely as possible. "I thought you were going to leave me," Niall whispers, his voice croaking with the urge to cry. "Never get into a car again, okay?! You may only roller skate around in your big ass stripper heels."

Louis snorts and drags Niall to the bed, allowing them both to sit. It is silent for a moment, before Louis is squinting at the sheets in Niall's hand, pointing to them as he questions, "what are they?"

"This is your homework! Thank the teachers..." Niall shoves the papers into Louis' hand, smirking at Louis' outraged face. "Don't worry, did 'em all for you! Copied everything of mine. You will most likely fail, just blame it on the brain damage."

Louis laughs and drops them to the ground. "Thank you, Niall." The brunette lays back and closes his eyes with a yawn.

"You tired?" Niall questions, following Louis' actions by doing the same. He watches as Louis nods, peeling one eye open to look at the blonde. "Harry keep you up all night, aye?" Niall fakes a moan, bringing his hand up to do a wanking motion with it.

"What?" Louis sits up slowly, his eyebrows pulled together and his lips parted in shock.

"Did you bone last night?" Niall sighs, a grin on his face. He nudges Louis a little, almost as if he is trying to coax a reaction from the boy.

"Why would Harry and I-"

"Oh shit!" Niall scrambles to sit up, his eyes widened in fear. "I said nothing! Nothing at all, okay?" He panics, making a stand. He paces for a moment before waving his hands in front of Louis' face. "You never heard anything," he says in a dramatic voice as if he were a fortune teller.

Louis stares at Niall, mind racing with thoughts. "Have Harry and I had sex, Niall?" He works up the courage to ask, his voice strong despite how he is feeling. "Before the accident, did Harry and I... Do stuff."

Niall pauses his actions and gives Louis a small shrug, his lips pursed and face flushed. "Yes... But please don't tell anyone I told you that you guys were in a relationship. I was supposed to shut my mouth about it."

"Relationship?!" Louis gasps, one hand flying to his chest. He sits in shock, trying to process the information that had just been supplied to him. "How- When? How?"

"Well on and off sort of... Lottie was pregnant and then she wasn't and then she was sleeping with your boss!" Niall rambles, pacing the room once again, his thumb perched between his lips as he gnaws on the nail nervously. "And then you went to quit and you were in the car accident."

"How could I possibly forget dating Harry? That's like been my fantasy since... Forever. Why does he like me?"

"Dunno. I don't even like you that much," he jokes, sighing when Louis doesn't laugh. "Anyway, don't tell anyone, please..."

"Sure. Of course, I won't," Louis gives Niall an awkward smile. "Want to help me go through this homework to correct everything you have done wrong?"

"Sure! Can I sleep while you do it?"

"Sure! Can I sleep while you do it?"

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Sorry this update took so long. I barely got any comments on the last chapter when I posted, so I lost motivation. Please, please comment, I always second guess myself when I don't get any and I'd really like to be able to post more. X

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