Chapter ✿ Eight

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Louis gets into the house, letting a breath of relief, steam falling from his lips as the cold air, hits the warm room. He hugs himself, his blue lips wobbling against each other.

The house is dark, as Louis would expect at three o'clock in the morning. But the faint sound of a television playing startles Louis. Was Harry still up?

He creeps around the corner, a limp in his step and looks into the lounge room and sure enough, Harry is there. Sitting watching the tv, his eyes fluttering shut every so often.

"Harry?" Louis speaks softly, walking a few steps towards him.

Harry startles, gasping. "Blue, hi!" Harry clears his throat, sitting up fully. "Weren't you staying at Niall's?"

Louis nods, trying his best to think of a believable lie. "He got sick... I didn't want to as well."

"Oh, okay. Are you going to bed? Or would you like to watch some television?" Harry questions groggily.

And Louis would love to curl up under some blankets and watch tv with Harry... But the ache in his thighs reminds him he needs to shower and the itch on his chest reminds him his lace outfit needs to be cleaned and put away before anyone sees it.

"I need to shower... Niall threw up on me," Louis chuckles nervously. "But if you're still up by the time I get out, then I'll he happy to. "

Harry smiles widely, his beautiful, white teeth showing. "Great. I'll definitely stay up then!"

Louis' heart flutters at that response, a small smile blossoming onto his face. But he hides it with his hand, controlling it and then speaking again, "you don't have to... Honestly."

Harry shrugs, "I want to. I've missed you so much and I want to hang out again, you know, like old times."


Louis strips his clothes off, staring at himself in the mirror. Love bites fill his neck, chest and even his thighs. but what's worse than that is the bruises that are imprinted on his hips and thighs.

He pushes down on the purple mark, rimmed with yellow and hisses in pain.

The mirror starts to steam up after that and he realises the water is hot enough. Louis jumps in, sighing in relief as it hits his skin, the dirty feeling washing away from his body.

He grabs his peach body wash, squirting some onto his palm and rubbing it over himself gently.

He does the same with the shampoo, lathering his hair in the coconut scented one and rinsing it out under the spray, along with the rest of his body.

Another ten minutes pass and then he is getting out, wrapping a fluffy, white towel around himself and padding into his room.

He drops his towel after drying himself, and rustles around in his drawers to find his teeshirt and shorts. Once found, his slips them on, as well as his favourite necklace.

He pauses for a minute, checking the television is still on and luckily for Louis, it is.

He grins and rushes down stairs, surprising Harry by jumping onto the couch. Surprising himself at the pain the shoots through him. He lets out a shriek and Harry's face becomes panic ridden.

"Are you okay?" Harry's eyes widen. He moves himself so he is facing Louis and he rubs his arm softly. "Did you hurt yourself?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine!" Louis chuckles breathlessly, positioning himself into a more comfortable position next to Harry.

"Blue... " Harry whispers, moving his hand to grab Louis' necklace softly. "Is that?..."

Louis bites his lip and stares down at the chain through the ring. "I found it a couple of days after you left... I was going to give it back when you visited." Louis moves to unclip it, but Harry stops him.

"It was my favourite... But so are you. It looks nice on you, Lou. Keep it." Harry's eyes glisten as he watches the small boy.

"Are you sure, Haz? I won't be offended if you want it back!"

Harry goes to respond, but his eyes catch a glimpse on something else. "Is that a hickey?"

Louis gasps, immediately covering his neck and backing away from Harry a little. "No," he whimpers softly.

"It's okay! I won't tell anyone," Harry laughs. "Wait, are you having sex?"

"Uh," Louis' eyes widen, but he doesn't reply.

"That's a weird question... Don't answer that!" Harry scratches the back of his neck nervously. "But if you are, make sure you are being safe? You don't want to get her pregnant..."

"Harry, i-"

"Louis... Just tell me you're being safe, blue. Then I'll never mention it again," Harry says softly, eyes zoning in on Harry's.

"I'm being safe, Haz... I won't get anyone pregnant. I swear."

This chapter was written last minute, sorry if it sucked! Leave your thoughts! xo Oh and the title of this chapter is going to a new book of mine getting posted soon! ;)

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This chapter was written last minute, sorry if it sucked! Leave your thoughts! xo Oh and the title of this chapter is going to a new book of mine getting posted soon! ;)

On His Knees ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now