Chapter ✿ Forty Six

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As the intro song to Toy Story 4 started filling the room, all Louis could focus on was breathing. As Harry's tongue fought his for dominance, an easy battle to anyone's eyes, Louis was lost for breath.

Nothing with Harry was ever dull. Nothing was ever boring or half-assed. Harry could never just kiss him, whenever he did it turned into a full-blown make-out session. And Harry could never just hold his ass either.

"Please," Louis' mouth betrays him as it whimpers out the words. His body rocks back into Harry's hands that are kneading at his panties-clad bum. In response Harry groans into his mouth, his thumbs hooking the panties waistband and without a second thought, he pulls the lace material down. 

The small boy lets a gasp and a high pitched whine leaves his mouth as the cool air hits his fluttering hole, longing for attention. 

Louis lays on his back on the couch as Harry hovers over him. His big hands are grabbing at the boy's hips as they lazily make out some more, biting at each other's lower lip, leaving pecks at the corner of each other's mouth and that all while sharing loving glances.

It is slow and warm but Louis is needy, his dainty hand grabs onto one of Harry's as he skillfully pushes the hand down to where he needs him most, the hand squeezing at the bumcheek, probably leaving a mark.

"More, Haz."

Harry kisses Louis deeply before bringing his right hand up to Louis' face. He caresses Louis' cheek, wipes drool from the corner of his mouth before pressing his index and middle finger to Louis' lower lip. The blue-eyed boy quickly gets the hint and folds his lips over the digits. Suckling at the fingers, he makes sure they're coated with spit before Harry pulls them from his lips, replacing them with his mouth as he brings his fingers to Louis' hole.

He lazily inserts his fingers, pumping them in and out at a slow pace, but hitting all the right places. Their lips moving in sync. The only thing on their mind is each other, the tv and Louis' favourite film, long forgotten.

Harry kisses down Louis' jaw and neck as his fingers start to scissor his hole. Louis whines become loud moans and he is almost sure he's ready to come when Harry's fingers suddenly leave their post. 

Louis is about to protest when he is turned onto his stomach and he tilts his bum up, his arms moving backwards as his hands grab at his bumcheeks, spreading them to give Harry a gorgeous view of his pink hole. "Please, Haz."

His wishes are granted when Harry's tongue presses flat against the fluttering hole. He licks, suckles and bites at the skin surrounding Louis' gorgeous bum. Leaving marks in his trail.

Louis whines and pushes his face against the arm of the chair. Everything Harry did felt magical. It's like he knew all Louis' sweet spots and everything he does proves it more.

"H-Hazza?" Harry pulls away quickly, looking at his tearful boy.

"What's wrong?" Harry mumbles, his heart beating quickly, the assumption that he did something wrong filling his mind.

"I love you so much," Louis sobs, not understanding why he feels so emotional.

Harry chuckles and rubs the smaller boys' back gently. "I love you too, Lou."

"Okay," Louis nods with a sniffle. "Please continue."

"What?" Harry laughs, his dimples deepening.

Louis looks back at him with innocent eyes. "You didn't finish eating me out," he pouts, blinking at Harry.

Thank you to Larry_smilinson for this chapter! 😍 What do you guys think will happen next? xo

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Thank you to Larry_smilinson for this chapter! 😍
What do you guys think will happen next? xo

On His Knees ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now