Chapter ✿ Fifty Three

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"I found this, Lou," Harry hesitantly lets go of the boy's hand and rushes to the bag to pull out the old, worn journal. He walks back to Louis, not taking his eyes off of him once.

"I don't know if you want me to read it... But your mum told me I should." Harry presses his hand to Louis' soft cheek, the side that isn't blotted with red marks and deep scratches. His fingertips softly touch the dark bruising, hissing as they collide with the heated skin. "My poor baby."

Harry sighs sadly once more before sitting back down, one of his shaky hands holding the Journal tightly, whilst the other softly rubs over the crinkled drawing that is of him and Louis, he guesses.

"You were always the best little artist," Harry whispers, glancing up at Louis, who lays there motionless. "I'm going to open it now..." He mumbles, more to himself. Harry takes a sharp intake of breath and turns to the first page.

'TO HaiWy I LuvE YoU'

Harry whimpers and covers his arm over his face, his heart already pounding against his chest. "Your handwriting is so cute..." He wipes his eyes with his hoodie's sweater paws and turns the page.

'BeCaH dAy'

Harry stifles a chuckle and bites his lip, his eyes scanning the rest of the page where Louis had drawn, in colourful crayons, the day they had. And Harry remembers it clearly.


"Hawwy, why can't I sit on your lap?" Louis pouts and turns his head from the car window to Harry, who is sat next to him, talking to Lottie. He had just drawn a smiley face, with crossed eyes on the fogged window and had been listening to his mother and her friend talking about something he didn't understand in the front seats.

"You've got to stay in your seat belt, little one," Harry leaves the conversation to turn to Louis with a soft smile. Harry reaches over to take Louis' seatbelt in his hand and tugs on it softly. "This will stop you from going too far forward if we are in a car accident. Can't have you getting hurt, bubba."

"Otay," Louis mumbles and places his head on Harry's arm, rubbing his cheek against it like a little kitten. "Is we there yet?"

"Not yet, blue! About twenty minutes, though," Harry mumbles and wraps his arm around Louis, gently rubbing his thumb over the soft skin of Louis' shoulder. "Why don't we play a game?"

"Ooh yay!" Louis squeals and sits upright, clapping his hands. "What game, Hazzy?"

"Hm... How about... I spy with my little eye?" Harry suggests and smiles when Louis' face brightens up in excitement.


"Hazzy?" Louis begins speaking as he and Harry swim. Louis' arms are cladded with floaties and Harry is watching his every move, his heart beating with worry that the boy could be taken away by the waves.

"Yes, Blue?" Harry stays in his position, on his knees in front of Louis, holding onto his hands as the boy kicks his legs quickly under the water.

"Are you scared of sharks?" Louis giggles, finishing the sentence with a rawr sound.

"Hm," Harry tilts his head in thought, moving his hands to Louis' waist to lift him up a little when a wave crashes through. Louis giggles and squirms in Harry's arms, wrapping his arms around his neck when allowed back down. "It would be scary if one was near us. But other than that, no I'm not scared. Are you?"

"I just scared one will eat Hawwy and he leave me all alone." Louis pouts and nuzzles his face against Harry's neck, shivering a little from the temperature of the water.

"I'll never leave you alone, blue. And I'll never let you get hurt."


"Pinky promise."


Harry is pulled out of his memory and looks over at Louis now. He looks nothing like the joyful boy that day, he looks lifeless, tired, hurt.

Harry didn't stick to his promise. And now he might lose his baby... Blue.

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