Chapter ✿ Four

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Harry walks over to the picture, picking it up and observing it thoroughly. The sudden realisation that in the next few hours Harry will be meeting a completely different Louis, dawns on him.

He takes a shaky breath and holds the picture frame to his chest, sitting down on the bed.

"What are you doing in my room?"

Harry let's out a surprised gasp, letting go of the picture. It falls onto the ground, bouncing a little against it. It doesn't break, but Harry doesn't notice that.

He stands up and spins around, mouth agape as he stares at the boy..."Lou," he breathes out, feeling himself start to tear up at the sight of the boy.

His boy.

The same boy who he used to sing to sleep, get ice-cream with and most importantly have toy story marathons with. That same boy standing in front of him, a little taller, his features more defined... Harry gives him a soft smile.

Louis' expression, though, remains firm, he crosses his arms over his chest and looks down at his feet scuffing them against the carpet. "What are you doing here, Harry?" He lifts his gaze to meets Harry's. Blue meeting green for the first time in years... Those soft, oceon eyes.

"We wanted to surprise you-"

"I don't like surprises..." Louis chuckles bitterly, his heart beating faster in his chest. A surge of hurt floods through his body, "should have texted me, told me you were coming," he says sassily, rolling his eyes. It's almost laughable at the thought of Harry texting him.

Harry closes his eyes momentarily. He didn't know what to expect, but he knew Louis would still be his sassy self. "I'm so sorry..." He steps towards Louis, hands fiddling with eachother against his stomach. "I never meant to hurt you..."

"Well what did you expect, Harry?" Louis purses his lips. "You never texted, called. Oh, and thanks for all the visits you promised!" Louis glares at him, moving to place his hand on the door. "Please leave."

Harry bites his lip. "Okay, blue..."

Louis' eyes harden, "don't. Don't you ever call me that again. I'm no longer your blue and you're no long my Haz."

"Lou I-" Harry shakes his head, not believing the words falling from Louis' lips. He holds back a choked sob, trying to remain calm.

"Leave, Harry!"

Harry does, brushing his hand against Louis' on the way out. He gives him once last sad look, one that a puppy would give you if it had been kicked. He walks down the stairs, his eyes tearing up. His little Louis hates him... And Harry can't handle it.

Louis slams the door shut, locking it and sliding down it. He clutches his chest and tries to control his breathing. What was Harry doing in his room? And why was he back?


Harry stumbles down the stairs, wiping his eyes messily. "Hey," he smiles to the two girls as he walks into the kitchen. Hoping that no one can tell that barely seconds ago he was crying.

"Babe!" Lottie opens her arms, allowing Harry to step into them. "Mum said we can take the spare room until we find a house inseatd of staying at the hotel!" She squeals softly, giving Harry a wide smile. "But..."

"But what?" Harry tilts his head, only half listening to his girlfriend. His mind somewhere else.

"Would you be able to look after Louis at nights? If I get the night shifts at the hospital, mum is going to change her shifts to then also!"

Harry nods softly, resting his head on her shoulder. The urge to cry too strong. "Sure," he croaks out. "I will always look after Louis."

How do you think Louis and Harry are feeling? :) I hope you enjoyed this chapter! ♡

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How do you think Louis and Harry are feeling? :) I hope you enjoyed this chapter! ♡

On His Knees ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now