Chapter ✿ Sixty

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Harry was a mess that night. He cried and sobbed and found a bottle of whiskey stashed in his room, he drank mouthful after mouthful, sculling down his misery. He snuck into Louis' room at one point, gently pushing on the door until it was peeked open enough for him to see his blue.

Harry had leant against the door frame, transparent brown liquid swirling in the bottle he holds in his hands. Louis, as usual, looked beautiful. His mouth was parted and dark eyelashes fluttering against his cheeks.

The slight knock of the bottle against the wall awakened the small boy though, his eyes noticeably widening in the moonlight as he sits up a little. "Harry?"

"It's me..." Harry told him, a little slurred. His own eyes were widened. His intention wasn't to wake the boy. He just wanted to see him, to make sure he was okay. "Are you okay?"

Louis shrugs a little and looks at Harry's hand, frowning at the bottle. "Can you sleep with me?" He asks softly, watching Harry's face turn into one of panic. "I feel odd."

"Odd? What do you mean?" Harry's eyebrows pull together, a worried look etching onto his face. "Please tell me you aren't having a stroke or something-" his heart begins to race, alcohol clouding his judgment.

"I'm not having a stroke, you idiot," Louis snorts and then laughs, shaking his head in amusement. "Go put your bottle in the room and come to bed."

Harry hesitantly does so. He walks back to Lottie's room and closes the bottle's lid, throwing it on the bed before making his way back to Louis, a dizzy feeling flooding over him.

Louis scoots over and folds the blanket back, allowing Harry to lay down. Harry is tense and nervous and only can focus on trying to keep his breathing steady.

"Haz?" Louis whispers again, turning towards Harry. He places his hand on Harry's chest and begins to talk again. "Can you cuddle me? Like we used to? I'll feel safer..."

Harry swallows thickly and nods his head, turning his body around, as Louis does too. Back to chest. The older wraps his arms around Louis' waist tightly and buries his face against the boy's neck. He forgets for a second, too lost in Louis to think. He almost cries. His throat tightening and his eyes beginning to water, but he doesn't. He just holds Louis a little closer, hoping to never have to let go again.

 He just holds Louis a little closer, hoping to never have to let go again

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On His Knees ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now