Chapter ✿ Twenty Nine

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-Double update-

"So she didn't say why?" Louis looks down at his hands, begging himself not to cry. He should have seen this coming.

"No," Harry shakes his head, his eyes remaining on the road. "She was crying, Lou... Something must have happened. I'm just going to see what she wants, okay?" Harry reaches to place his hand on Louis' lap, squeezing gently. "It'll be okay."

Louis tilts his head back, trying to stop the pool of tears leaking from his eyes. "You'll go back to her," he mumbles, taking in a shuttering breath. "I know you will."

"She is not who I want to be with anymore... She has nothing I want," Harry tells Louis honestly, moving his back to the wheel, to make the turn down their road.

"You are going to hurt me again," Louis finally breaks, crying into his hands. "I thought maybe we could have been something... You're all I've ever wanted, Harry and to you it was just a one time thing."

"No it wasn't, Lou," Harry parks the car outside the house, his hands tightening on the wheel. "I would never treat you like that. I'm not one of those disgusting men, Louis. You aren't just here for my pleasure, I love you and I always have."

"Just never in the way I needed you to." Louis gets out of the car and shuts the door gently, rushing up the path and into the house.

Harry groans and hits his head against the wheel. "You fuck up, Harry," he grumbles to himself, trying to calm himself down.


"I don't know how to tell you this," Lottie cries against Harry's chest as he awkwardly pats her back.

"You've been saying this for the past twenty minutes, Charlotte. Just spit it out or I'll leave," Harry groans annoyed, pulling away from the woman.

He honestly just has the urge to leave the room, walks across the hall to Louis' and smother him in kisses and cuddles. That's how the boy deserves to be treated.

Lottie takes a few deep breaths and pulls at her hair, pacing around the room that has gotten even messier since Harry left. "I didn't know if I should tell you... " She mumbles, walking back over to Harry, placing her hands on his chest. "I know you don't love me anymore."

"Lottie. Get on with it," Harry huffs out, becoming grumpier by the second.

"We have never really talked about kids," she blurts out quickly, holding her breath for a second.

Harry stills, his eyes widening. He feels his stomach drop and his heart clench. He feels winded, like all the air has been locked from his lungs and he can't breathe in. "Kids?" He whimpers, shaking his head in disbelief.

"I'm pregnant, Harry... We are having a baby."

Do you think Lottie is telling the truth? xoPlease don't give up on me and this book

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Do you think Lottie is telling the truth? xo
Please don't give up on me and this book. I promise everything will be okay... 😅

On His Knees ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now