Chapter ✿ Seventy One

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Louis rushes into the house. One hand grips at his stomach and the other at his mouth, trying to contain the harsh sobs that escape his lips. He can't believe it, it was Luke... He can't believe he didn't remember, either.

"Hello?" Louis stills at the voice, trying to calm himself immediately as he wipes at his tears, reddening his face at the force. His sister walks out of the kitchen a wide smile on her face. "Hi, Lou... Mum said I could come over for dinner- what's wrong?"

Louis bursts into tears again, breathing ragged as he slouches against the door. He feels himself be pulled into Lottie's arms. She holds him, not speaking a word as he cries out, gripping at her shirt. Lottie gently moves Louis towards the couch and sits them down, wrapping her arm around the boy.

"Everything will be okay," she whispers after a while when his breathing begins to calm down a little, eyes still leaking tears. "What's happened, Lou?"

"My friend died. It was my fault... I loved him so much and now he is just gone," Louis scrambles to say, hands gripping his legs to try and divert the pain. "He died because of me," he speaks the thought that had been running in his mind since he had found out. Luke died because of Louis. If it wasn't for Louis, his best friend would still be here.


Harry walks through the door, out of breath and panicked. He glances over to the lounge room, eyes widening when seeing Lottie and Louis. Lottie holds her finger to her mouth, a gesture for Harry to stay quiet. He notices the tear stains on Louis' face and his heart shatters. "I didn't mean to be so late," Harry whispers gently, moving closer to them to see Louis more clearly.

Lottie's eyebrows pull together in a confused look. "I... Don't know what you're talking about." She gives him a shrug and looks down at her brother, rocking the sleeping boy gently in her arms. "He found out his friend died?... Luke? I think that was the one we caught him with that time, right?" She gently strokes through Louis' hair.

Harry's heart drops and he lets a shaky breath escape his bitten red lips. "He found out?" He whispers, his own eyes becoming teary imagining the pain his little boy is going through. "I was supposed to tell him... I just- I didn't know how."

"There isn't anything you can do now... Why don't you go up and get some rest? He can stay with me until he wakes up, otherwise, we might stir him and he will be upset again," Lottie says calmly and quietly, watching the man before her look at her brother with so much love. She smiles a little, although a part of her is upset about it, another part knows they are good together. They always were.



Louis awakens suddenly, his widened blue eyes darting around the darkened room in fear. He sits up a little, feeling a body under him. He panics for a moment before sighing in relief when remembering the events before sleeping. Lottie.

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