Chapter ✿ Sixty Nine

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Louis kisses down Harry's neck, moaning softly against the skin as his hands travel down the tallers chest. Harry grips Louis' hips, slowly moving against Louis, his lips parted. "Wait, stop." Louis immediately moves away from Harry, eyes widened.

"Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?" Harry chuckles taking Louis' hand in his own. He kisses the boys knuckles and pushes him back to the bed, climbing over him.

"Nothing at all... I just want to make you breakfast in bed," Harry presses a kiss to Louis' cheek. "I'll be back," he gets up and takes a shaky breath as he walks to the door. He looks back at Louis who is laying against the comforter, body almost swallowed in the white cloud-like blanket. The boy has a smile on his face and his eyes are fluttered closed.

Harry feels his heart sink, guilt flooding through his body. He can't believe he did it.


"Here you go, darling," Harry rests the small tray onto Louis' lap. The plate consists of pancakes and tea, Louis' favourites. Harry knows he needs to give Louis the best day ever if he has even a chance of being forgiven for what he has done.

Louis grins wildly and pulls Harry down for a kiss. "Thank you so much," he whispers and immediately digs into the food, moaning slightly. Harry sits behind him and holds the boy to his chest, heart pounding slightly.

"We should go out today..." Louis leans back onto him after having a sip of tea. He places the back of his head onto Harry's shoulder, eyes watching the curly-haired boy with a smile.

"Where?" His soft voice asks. Harry trails kisses down Louis' neck as Louis scrunches it, giggling softly.

"Ice cream... Arcade?" Harry runs his fingers through Louis' fluffy hair, grinning when Louis almost purrs. "Kitten," Harry mumbles fondly. "My kitten."



Louis licks teasingly at his rainbow icecream, eyeing Harry pointedly as he does so. Harry looks away for a moment, eating at his own, before glancing back at Louis. "Stop," he whispers, a smile forming on his face. Louis giggles and continues to eat it normally, eyes glancing around the place.

"Last time we were here... That guy. He was a customer?" Harry swallows, looking over to where the encounter had happened. He looks back at Louis who is just staring at the table. "Do you not remember? I forgot some things were still missing."

"No, I do. He was a customer, yes. A very rough one," the boy winces, scratching his arm, ice cream still in hand. He looks away from Harry, suddenly feeling an overwhelming amount of embarrassment.

"Sorry, we don't have to talk about this. Let's just enjoy our day," Harry smiles and takes Louis' hand in his own, much alike how he has done plenty of times in the past.

On His Knees ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now