Chapter ✿ Sixty Four

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Louis whimpers softly into the kiss. He grabs Harry by the shirt and lays back onto the bed, pulling the older boy along with him. They sloppily make out, grasping at each other desperately, small moans leaving both of their mouths.

"You've-" kiss "-got to go," Harry groans, moving his pillowy lips to Louis' neck, sucking the skin there gently. "To the doctors, baby."

"No," Louis whines, threading of his hands into Harry's curls, moaning desperately. "I-I can't. I need-" he moves his hand to press against his own member, squirming in want. "Haz."

Harry kisses down Louis' bare chest and soft, little stomach, making his way to kiss just above Louis' pink panties. "So hot," he mumbles, hovering his mouth over Louis' hardened length. "Are you sure?"

"Harry," he sobs, lifting his dainty hips a little. "Please, please, please... Have we uh, have you?" Louis sits up, beginning to panic about everything he doesn't know. Harry raises an eyebrow at him and smiles warmly, green eyes glimmering.

"Lay down, baby. Don't stress, I'll look after you." Louis nods and lets out a relieved sigh, his face flushed a crimson red.

Harry trails his hands from the arch of Louis' back to his plump bum, squeezing the flesh there. The older carefully begins to pull down the pink lace and moans softly. Once finished, he immediately takes Louis' pretty, leaking cock in his hands and licks against the slit, dipping his tongue into the pre-cum.

Louis squeezes his thick thighs together, squirming against the bed in pleasure. "More, more," he mumbles, covering his face with his arm. "D-daddy, uh-"

Harry sucks around the tip, lips stretched over it and spit dripping the boy's length as he slowly moves his fist up and down. Louis' body shakes and he moans, his pretty, blue eyes rolling backwards.

The small boy grips onto the sheets, bucking his hips up to try and get Harry to take him deeper. "Daddy," he chokes out once again, earning a hum from Harry, sending vibrations down his member.

Harry smirks and pulls off of Louis' cock. He kisses against the boy's thighs, nibbling softly on them, watching his flushed boy the whole time. "I found something while you were in the hospital."

Louis looks at him confused, trying to catch his breath. "What did you find?" He questions, pushing his fingers through his hair. His jaw drops when Harry sticks his tongue out, teasingly licking at his tip. "Haz-"

"A vibrator," Harry groans, rocking his hips against the bed for friction on his swollen cock.

"Please," Louis begs in a whisper, his eyes widened with need. "W-want it. So bad. Please, daddy." Harry nods and goes to grab it, along with lube, readjusting himself in his boxers as he walks back to the small boy who already has his legs spread, waiting.

Harry throws them onto the bed, climbing back over Louis. He desperately kisses him, grinding down onto his member. "Pants off and shirt off," Louis whimpers tugging at the hem of Harry's teeshirt. Harry does as told and strips, his cock slapping against his stomach hard and angry, precum dripping down it.

Louis' breath catches in his throat as his stares at it, almost drooling at the mouthwatering sight. "Fuck me."

"Another day, baby?... I want to see you come apart on this vibrator, " Harry smirks, taking the lube in his hands and spreading some over his fingers. "You want that?" Louis nods quickly, bringing his hand down to rub himself. Harry stops him and grabs the vibrator, switching it on and pressing it against Louis' length, pulling a surprised but pleasured moan of ecstasy from Louis.

Harry quickly begins to open Louis up, drinking in every whimper and moan hungrily. "You're so gorgeous," he breathes out, gently taking the vibrator out of Louis' hand. He presses it against Louis' hole and begins to sink it in slowly, watching Louis clench around it.

"S-so good, Harry," he drawls out, head thrown back against the pillow. "Make me feel so good. Always," he sobs, mouth slack. Harry leans over and licks into his mouth, moaning softly as he begins to gently move the vibrator, tilting it upwards to aim at Louis' prostate.

"There, Hazza. Haz. Uh, uh!" Louis screams after multiple thrusts. He frantically grabs onto Harry's wrist, trying to get the man to push deeper and harder as his mind begins to cloud over, his cock leaking against his soft stomach and heat growing in the pit of it.

"Can you cum, Lou? Cum for daddy?... Such a good boy," Harry breathes out, watching Louis intently with darkened eyes. "Always so good for me," he praises and watches as Louis keens and frantically tries to fuck himself down on the vibrator.

Harry thrusts hard into Louis once more and the boy is spilling over his stomach, choking in a sob. Tears fall from his eyes, rolling down his flushed cheeks. He breathes harshly, hand still curled around Harry's wrist. "Haz," he rasps out, blinking his eyes open.

His blue eyes lock with Harry's and Louis smiles softly. He makes grabby hands at older and Harry chuckles, leaning down to plant a kiss on Louis' lips as he gently pulls the toy out. "Do you need help?" Louis whispered softly against the shell of Harry's ear, his hand moving down the curly-haired stomach.

Harry blushes and shrugs. "I already... You were just so hot." Louis giggles and grabs onto his cheeks, pressing their lips together again.

"Well... I don't know about you, but I need a shower," Louis winks and pushes Harry off of him, rushing to the ensuite with a limp. Harry stares at the now-closed door with his mouth open. But then Louis opens it and peaks out, a cheeky grin on his face.

"Are you coming or not, Hazza?"

Hey guys, I have had a really bad day but wanted to give you an update

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Hey guys, I have had a really bad day but wanted to give you an update. My mental health hasn't been great lately, that's why this has taken so long. Please please leave comments, we are almost done and I want to be motivated enough to finish it for you all. 💞

Sorry for my smut, I can't write it and I usually get help, but I'm trying to be more independent and do things for myself. Sorry if it was disappointing. xo

Question: out of all my ongoing books, why do you think this one gets the most views and comments? (I'll use this feedback for future books, so give me as many reasons as you can think!)

On His Knees ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now