Chapter ✿ Fifty Four

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Harry awakens to the sound of the door screeching along the floor, he lifts his head up from the hospital bed and stretches a little, his eyes immediately moving to the door.

"Hi," Lottie says softly. She looks between the two and stands nervously, body slouched and shaky. "I don't want to interrupt... I just wanted to see him."

Harry glances at his boy warily, taking in his beautiful features that are pulled into an expressionless position as he lays there, unresponsive to the world.

"I'm guessing you don't want me to," Lottie shrugs, a sad chuckle falling from her lips as she grabs onto her long, blonde ponytail. "Look, Haz."

"I don't want to talk about it. Not right now. Not ever," Harry puts his hand up to stop her speaking, annoyance flowing through his tone.


"Enough, Lottie!" Harry growls, standing to his feet. "Do you not understand that the world does not revolve around you?! Your brother is laying here, fighting for his life, " Harry takes a shaky breath as he begins to tear up. "And you have the audacity to try and apologise for what you've done? What, because you feel guilty now? You regret it? Well, guess what, I couldn't care less about you or your apology. Leave!"


"Do not. Do not call me that. H-he calls me that," Harry points to Louis and at that moment, he bursts int tears, uncontrollable sobs leaving his lips. "Go. Please," he begs her one last time.

She spares him a worrisome glance but nods and leaves. He watches the door close and rushes back to stand with Louis, still crying profusely. He grabs Louis' small hand and brings it carefully to his lips. "Louis, Louis, Louis," he mutters softly, his breath catching in his throat. "Wake up, baby."

Harry's eyes catch a glimpse of the journal he had left on the bottom of Louis' bed last night. He gently lays Louis' hand down and grabs the journal, hesitantly turning to the next page as he collapses into the chair.

A coloured pencil drawing of woody is what Harry sees first and he coos over the cute drawing that his boy had created. 'Me and Haz favate moovi'


"Hazzy," Louis mumbles from his place on Harry's lap. He turns in Harry's arms as the finishing credits on toy story 3 play. "Why did Andwy leave?"

"He went to college, blue," Harry whispers, thumb gliding over Louis' tear glistened cheek. He mocks Louis' pout by doing it as well, causing a small smile to twitch at Louis' lips.

"Does Haz go to college one day?" Louis' voice is filled with fear and dread of one day Harry leaving him.

"I will, yes... But I will not be gone forever. I'll always come back to you," Harry mumbles and hugs the small boy, smiling at Lottie who watches on.

"I'll be going to college one day too, Louis."

Louis nuzzles his face more against Harry's neck and shrugs a little at Lottie's statement. "Otay then. Can you do Hazzy college too? I don't want him to leave."

Harry purses his lips to contain a chuckle, whilst Lottie shakes her head with a fond smile.

"Ah, you will kill me, blue."

"You can't die!" Louis screeches, hands going to Harry's cheeks, eyes wide and wild.

"It was an expression, little one. I won't die," Harry laughs a little, grabbing Louis' chubby little hands and pretending he is going to bite them.

Louis giggles madly and screams a little, trying his best to yank his hands away from Harry. "Good 'cause if Hawwy die, Louis die frwom heart bweak," Louis tells the boy seriously.

"That's mutual, blue. I couldn't live a day without my favourite little man."

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On His Knees ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now