Chapter ✿ Fifty Five

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"Harry..." Jay says softly, placing her shaky hand on Harry's tensed shoulder. She looks over at her son and bites her lip to resist the urge to cry. "You need some sleep, love."

"I have been sleeping," Harry tells her, his eyes squinted in exhaustion, puffy, purple bags beneath them.

"I'll stay tonight... You go home, okay?" Jay pushes, trying to convince Harry to have a break. Louis had been in for almost a week now and the only time Harry had left was to use the bathroom. He hadn't left to get food or drinks either, only when they were supplied and forced to him, is when he gave in.

"What if something happens?" Harry whimpers, his voice low. His eyes remain trained on Louis as his blinking becomes heavier and longer.

"I'll call you... Immediately. But, Harry, I doubt anything will. They have to take him off the machine that is helping him breathe, to see if he can do it on his own. They are thinking of doing it sometime next week."

"I wish I had finished college. If I was a nurse, I could help him," Harry sulks, his face tugged down in a frown.

"If you were a nurse you wouldn't have been able to spend so much time with him, Harry."

Harry nods at that and leans forward to take Louis' hand in his own. "He is so small..." Harry sniffles a little. "I-I don't want to leave him. If something happens and I'm not here-"

"What if he wakes up?" Jay cuts him off, her tone warm. "What if he wakes up and you are too tired to spend time with him?... When he wakes up, he will need you, Harry. And he will need you in your best condition."

Harry seems to contemplate what she says for a moment and begins nodding, his hand wrapped around Louis' tightening. He makes a stand and steps towards his boy.

Harry places his hand on Louis' cheek, cupping it softly as he leans down to press his lips to the boy's forehead. "I love you," he whispers. "I will be back tomorrow, I promise."

He looks at Louis for a moment more, his eyebrows furrowing. "Where is his necklace?" He asks shakily, gently pulling down Louis' gown to look at his chest. "It's gone!"

"Harry, hun. Calm down... It is only a necklace." Jay watches as Harry begins to tear up, his hands gripping onto the beds railing.

"It isn't just a necklace. He needs it!"

"Harry... I'm going to ring you a cab and you are going to come home for a rest. I will find the necklace, it was probably just taken off for the tests to be done and put somewhere. Okay?"

Harry nods and moves to press another kiss to Louis. He grabs the journal and stands, waiting as Jay calls for a cab. He whispers goodbye to Louis and an I love you, before making his way out of the hospital.


When home, Harry can't bare to go into Louis' room. So, he just goes into Lottie's old room. He takes a shower, one full of tears and tiredly gets out and once dressed, he collapses on the bed.

Harry checks his phone one last time and when having not received anything, he closes his eyes and dreams of Louis.

Harry checks his phone one last time and when having not received anything, he closes his eyes and dreams of Louis

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On His Knees ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now