Chapter ✿ Fifty One

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"When you get a chance, open it. He was so excited about making it for you..." Jay begins to tear up again. "He would want you to have it."


Jay and Harry look up to where Lottie's voice sounds. She is clad in a similar attire to Jay, a confused expression etched on her face.

"What are you guys doing here?" She questions nervously, wrapping her arms over her stomach insecurely. She glances at Harry quickly, before moving her eye line to her mother. Jay wasn't supposed to be here at this time, Lottie had changed her shift time so they wouldn't have to see each other.

"I'm going to go," Harry stands up quickly and looks at Jay. When Jay goes to protest he begins talking again. "I'm going home to pack Louis and I some stuff and when I come back I won't be leaving until he wakes up."

"Until who wakes?" Lottie interrupts, eyes frantically looking between the two. "Where's Louis?" Her face fills with worry when she watches Harry begin to tear up and Jay's bottom lip begins to wobble.

"I'm going," Harry whispers, sniffling softly. Before anything else is said, he walks off. He passes by people who look at him with concern as he starts to break again, his breathing harsh and ragged.

When he steps into the elevator he grips his chest and allows himself to cry loudly. Just as he thought everything was going to be okay, this happens.


Harry walks into the room and shakily turns the light on. He looks around the now clean room, missing the way Louis had left it. It feels like the boy was never here and it makes Harry's throat feel as though it is getting plummeted with little needles.

He doesn't allow himself to cry, instead, he grabs everything he thinks Louis and himself will need, stuffing it all into a random bag he found in Louis' room, hoping he won't mind.

He glances around the room one last time and is about to leave when he remembers the book. The book Jay said was made for him all those years ago.

He considers whether or not to take it and ends up deciding to just do it. He grabs the book and holds it close to his chest, taking a deep breath in to calm himself of any more breakdowns and with that, leaves the room.

Thoughts? xoJust another reminder this books cover will be changed when I hit 2k followers! Also: when I do hit 2k I will be doing an Instagram live and a Q&A, so if you'd like to watch or join, follow me on insta @LarrywriterxxLots of love to you...

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Thoughts? xo
Just another reminder this books cover will be changed when I hit 2k followers!
Also: when I do hit 2k I will be doing an Instagram live and a Q&A, so if you'd like to watch or join, follow me on insta @Larrywriterxx
Lots of love to you all!

On His Knees ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now