Home Sweet Home...?

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Chisa's POV

"She's dangerous..."

"Look at her hair! Witch!"

"You look appetising... young Starling."

"Good girl... lets go home..."

"Precious Sleigh Beggy..."

I jolt awake. My violet locks stick to my clammy skin as I breathe deeply, trying to calm my racing heart. The nightmares never get easier, I thought I'd get used to them after all this time. I sit up and curl myself into a ball, a vain effort to try and comfort myself. Only then, did I start to pay attention to my surroundings - my wide eyes flew around the room.

I was sitting on a grey sofa in a very unfamiliar room. My eyes quickly scanned my surroundings. In front of me, there was a large bookshelf that reached the ceiling. It was crammed with books, some of which looked ancient. Beside the bookshelf, was a small wooden desk and chair, with a bright lamp on it. Jars with mysteriously creepy contents were also scattered around the desk - they gave me the shivers. Behind me, there was a narrow staircase. To my right was a door - it was bolted shut, only adding to my increasing unease.

How did I get here? Then it hit me. Yesterday's events came flooding back. The bridge... the Pact... silver-haired Joseph... the bright flash of light...

This must be his home. I shuddered uncontrollably - I shouldn't even be here right now. Why couldn't he have minded his own business and left me alone?

Suddenly, I could hear light footsteps from behind me, coming from the stairs. I whipped around only to find my face inches from his - I took all of my being not to scream.

"Well, well, well, little Sleigh Beggy! You're awake today! I thought it would take at least a week... But it was only 3 days! You are a surprising creature!" He exclaimed while cupping my face in his hands and leaning his forehead against mine. I flinched but he held me firm in his grasp.

"Now, now! Don't jerk away from me, little Sleigh Beggy! I understand this is all new and strange, but I don't intend to harm you..." he trailed off near the end. His lips moved, but I don't know what he said.

He scared me. The way he smiled was definitely off. He also doesn't seem to understand what personal space is...

His words confused me. "Sleigh Beggy"... "take at least a week"... what is he talking about? I was asleep for 3 days?? Why?

He read my facial expressions, answering me without losing eye contact:

"I see the curiosity burning in your bright eyes, little one. Do tell me your thoughts. I will answer any queries you may have."

He waited. I knew and he knew I had questions... but his gaze was so intense, I couldn't keep looking him in the eye, so I looked down.

"Come now, don't be shy, Sleigh Beggy. And look me in the eye when you speak."

I could hear the authority in his tone, like a teacher's... individuals whom I didn't have fond memories of. I had never been good with eye contact, especially after I lost everyone I held dear. But I want answers from him... he basically abducted me! But I agreed to his terms, it's my own fault. Summoning all the courage I have, I raised my emerald eyes to meet his stony grey ones.

"I... I'd like to know why... you call me... Sleigh Beggy? I don't know... what that means."

I struggled to form my sentences, his gaze feels penetrating, as though it is burning a hole in my head. At my question, he perks up, clapping his hands.

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