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Chisa's POV

I held my stomach tightly and gripped the handrail like it was my lifeline. I started climbing the stairs, determination burning in my emerald eyes. I have no idea where these stairs lead, but the constant banging on the door behind me convinced me not to care.

I just have to get away...

As I reach the end of the first flight, my breathing becomes laboured. Every muscle in my body is aching, and my stomach feels like it's on fire. Hunching over, I clutch my torso, trying to hold myself together as my legs tremble. Tears stream from my eyes in an endless current and small whimpers escape my lips. Looking back, I see my bloody footprints marring the tiled steps. Small drops of blood from my stomach also decorate them, and my heart sinks.

I'm leaving them an easy trail... but there's nothing I can do...

After getting this far... I won't give up now... I'm going to be the one deciding my fate from now on... not the monsters, not the Achemists, and especially not Joseph!

Inhaling sharply, I turn right to the next flight of stairs. They remind me of a school building, each flight is opposite to the other, making a zig zag pattern. Well, this is going to make me dizzy...

The thumping on the wooden door is getting louder, causing my fear to increase. I need to move quickly and create more distance between myself and the people on the other side of the door. They're healthy and fit... I'm injured and weak... who would win in a race?


I start jogging up the stairs, my stomach protesting bitterly at the jolting movements. Why didn't I try harder in PE? My heart hammers in my chest as my mind starts to think of what ifs...

What if they catch me?
What if they hurt me?
What if I fall straight into their hands?
What if this is a trap?
What if Joseph is waiting for me at the top of these stairs?

No! Stop it! I can't think that way. I'm escaping. I will fight for my freedom... I won't rest until I'm far, far away from these Alchemists who want to use and abuse me. That's the only good thing Joseph taught me...

"I'm an Alchemist, Chisa. This is what we do. We want to discover new ways to utilise magic and beings who harbour magic. We do this for the purpose of self-recognition and personal gain. We don't care who gets hurt as long as we achieve our desired results through our experiments."

I shiver, remembering his cold breath on my ear as he spoke those words to me. The words that showed me Alchemists can't be trusted...

And how stupid I am.

My wheezy breaths bring me back to reality. I've just reached the top of the second flight... and I feel so weak, I can barely stand. I stumble over to the next step, dragging my foot onto it. My vision blurs as wave after wave of dizziness hits me. I lean heavily against the banister, trying to stop my head from spinning.

"Chisa please! You're hurt! I can smell your blood, please let us help you! None of us want to hurt you!"

The sudden voice makes me still in complete shock. My fear skyrockets... they can smell my blood? What do I expect? They're Alchemists! Joseph can control people using bodily possession... who knows what these other dangerous people can do!

A sudden burst of adrenaline rushes through my body as I begin sprinting up the third flight:

"Liars!" I wheeze out, still running.

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