Chisa's POV"Welcome back, puppy..."
Joseph brought his hands up to my face, cupping each cheek and stroking my eyelids with his soft thumbs. My heart was beating wildly and my mouth was dry. The amount of fear he can instil within me is remarkable.
Wait... hands... he's got two hands again! I guess I shouldn't be that surprised - he is an Alchemist. He must've just magicked himself a new one.
"How do you feel, little one? Not in any pain I hope... I was starting to worry about you, you know. You need to be in peak health for us to be able to merge successfully. You've been asleep for so long, it's winter now."
My eyes bulged at his words, causing the skin of his thumbs to make contact with my eyeballs - my eyes watered from the stinging sensation. "Peak health"... Not happening with you experimenting on me.
"It's... winter...?" My voice sounded weak and scratchy, but then again, I haven't spoken in months.
Joseph gave me his creepy signature smile, tilting his head to the side. "Yes, puppy. A few days after Christmas to be precise. Now, use your words, are you well?"
I thought about it for a second. I didn't feel off or in pain. I guess a couple of months is enough time to heal broken ribs. I wasn't tired and I didn't have a headache. I feel okay.
"I think so." Even I could hear the disbelief in my tone.
"Good," he says, caressing my cheeks. "Any pain?"
"Excellent!" He beams, leaning down and presses his lips against my forehead.
I repressed a shudder. After stroking my face a few more times, Joseph finally decides to get off me. He kneels down by the edge of the sofa, making sure he is eye level with me. I don't know what he's doing... or planning to do... but I'm dreading it already.
"Now, puppy. Can you sit up?"
Okay... I was not expecting that. But I'll take it, it's better than being in pain. Instead of answering him, I just sit up slowly. I'm surprised when I notice my head isn't thumping; I'm not dizzy either. Again, I'm glad, I feel slightly normal for once.
"Good... Now, come with me, Chisa, I have something to show you. It's a project for a plan I'm working on."
Oh no... I already know that this is something bad... but I can't refuse... unless I want to sleep for another four months...
Joseph reaches out and clasps my hand, gently pulling me up from the sofa, guiding me across the room. I look down, noticing I'm in the white nightgown from my dream and my feet are bare. Although the icy tiles told me that much. We head towards the stairs, towards the Torture Chamber, and I slow down as I start to hyperventilate. Flashes of my last encounter with stairs whizz through my head.
Joseph notices, letting go of my hand and turning around to hold my face in his hands. "Shh, shh. It's okay, we're just going to walk down them. Or would you prefer me to carry you?"
I definitely was not comfortable with that idea. Quickly composing myself, I shook my head, making a beeline for the stairs. Joseph reaches out to grasp my hand again, and he went down the steps first, leading me behind him.
When we reach the bottom, Joseph places his hand over my eyes, confusing me, but also filling me with dread. Joseph grabs my wrist with his other hand, leading me forward a few paces. I let him, his previous threats about obedience swirling in my mind.
"Keep your eyes closed when I remove my hand, puppy. I'll tell you when to open them."
I really don't like this... What's going on? Is he planning to ambush me or something? My heart rate starts to accelerate.

The Alchemist's Starling
FanfictionCURRENTLY EDITING "You belong to me - completely. I can do whatever I want to you, and no one can tell me otherwise. You're mine, Chisa Hatori; my little Starling..." I start sobbing, shaking my head frantically, rejecting the terrible truth. I thra...