The Kidnapping...

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Chisa's POV

I don't know how long it's been...
I'm still sitting on the floor of the dreaded Torture Chamber, knees tucked under my chin, crying silently.

After he stopped possessing my body, he just left me lying here, saying:

"I understand if you need some time to gather your thoughts..." He moved towards me, kneeling down to my level, reaching out to touch my cheek. "I will return shortly, you will need to get ready for tonight."


"We're getting the dragons tonight, puppy." He muses, as though he could sense my confusion. Dread seeps into my bones at his words. "You must be ready to play your part..."

I started shaking, tears burning my eyes. With that, Joseph stood up and walked away.

I was grateful for the distance. It gave me time to think.

He can possess me...

If I thought I wasn't safe before, I'm definitely not safe now.

How can he do this? Doesn't he have a conscience? Or is that connected to humanity? If it is, of course he doesn't have one. He hurts the innocent, just because he can. And just because they are 'useful' for his experiments. If I'd known all of this would happen before I agreed to help him, I wouldn't be in this situation.

Why couldn't my gift have shown me something useful before I said yes? Was this always meant to happen? Is it fate? Can fate be that cruel? I don't want to be bound to him for eternity! I don't want to help him make other people's lives miserable! Or agonising!

And yet what can I do to stop him? I have no strength or skills. My voice only gets me in trouble - and I'm a Sleigh Beggy.

He has Immortality and Chimeras and he's an Alchemist - need I say more?

All I can hope for is that either I escape by some miracle, Chise rescues me by some miracle, or I die before Joseph has the opportunity to merge with me.

My eyelids flutter closed.

Yes, anything would be better... than that...


"Rise and shine, puppy!"

I jerk awake, banging my head against the wall at the sudden interruption. I hiss at the ache in my head, rubbing my eyes. When I open them, Joseph is right there in front of me, centimetres from my face. I jump at his closeness. He's giving me his creepy smile.

"Oh! Did I scare you? Sorry, puppy. Come now, stand up, it's time." Joseph beams, rising to his feet.

"Time..." You know that feeling when you've just woken up and forgotten something important? Well, this is one of those times.

Joseph cocks his head to the side and extends his hand towards me. He has two again... "Yes, puppy. Don't you remember?"

I look into his stormy eyes, confusion etched on my features. I really don't know... Joseph gestures his hand towards me, and I realise he wants me to get up. I reach up hesitantly to take his hand. Just as I'm about to take it, I immediately notice the black sleeve - my arm freezes.

I definitely wasn't wearing black earlier... I look down and see that I'm now wearing a black dress. My heart rate increases, showing my growing uneasiness. The dress flows to my knees, it has a collar like a shirt with little bows adorning the front. The sleeves have frills along the cuffs, reminding me of pictures I've seen of dresses from the olden days. I'm also wearing knee length black socks and black, patent shoes...

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