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Chisa's POV


I'm dreaming... I know I am.

I was wearing a plain white nightgown, and my feet were bare. But the strangest thing is, my vision is hazy at the edges... like it's out of focus.

Regardless of this fact, I let my eyes wander. I'm standing in the middle of a lush, green forest at nightfall. The first stars of the night were beginning to twinkle against the twilight sky. A soft breeze caressed my face and rustled the branches of nearby trees. I shivered at the cold, rubbing my bare arms.

It was so serene, calming, and beautiful. Despite the cold, I felt relaxed, even though I couldn't see much in the semi-darkness. My feet started moving, and the grass, wet with dew, tickled my feet as I walked.

Where? I don't know. But I'll find out soon enough, or I'll wake up... whichever comes first.

I walked deeper into the forest, and the shadows casted by the trees became darker, making me anxious. I tried to stop a few times, but it's like I'm not in control... like I'm only semiconscious.

Then, to my relief, I reached a clearing. By now, the moon was shining high in the sky, providing much needed light to this eerie forest. The stars brightened the dark sky along with the moon, adding to the beauty of the night. I smiled at the pretty sight, feeling more comfortable in this strange dream. I continued to walk into the clearing until I reached the middle. I was confused. It was like something was compelling me to walk here... and then stop...

Something felt off...

Suddenly, the snapping of a twig made me gasp in fright. I turned my head in the direction the sound came from, staring with wide, fearful eyes.

What was that?

It was then when I noticed the thick fog that was surrounding the clearing, obscuring anything that could be hiding in the tree line.

Suddenly, a silhouette appeared just behind the fog. It was too far away for me to make out what it was, but close enough for me to see that it was there. My heart started beating faster as my nervousness grew.

I tried to move, tried to run away, but I couldn't! It was like there was an invisible force, preventing me from moving an inch! I was scared now...

This can't be a normal dream... this figure that I can barely make out, must be responsible...

But who could it be?

Unexpectedly, a voice breaks the silence:

"Well fancy that! I wasn't expecting my spell to work!"

My eyes widened and my body began trembling. No, it can't be... please! Let it be anyone but him... I can't see him again, I can't be with him again... Chise, help me!

My eyes remained fixed on the figure as he finally emerged from the fog. His silvery white hair shone in the moonlight, giving him an ironic ethereal glow, despite him being the devil incarnate. He was wearing light grey pyjamas, his feet were also bare, which surprised me. His skin was so pale, it was almost white. His lips were curled upwards into his signature smile, making goosebumps prickle all over my skin. A steely grey orb met my bottle green ones. I froze. His left eye socket... was empty... it was just a black, hollow hole... My breathing hitched and I whimpered.

But there was no doubt...

The boy standing in front of me...

Was Joseph...

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