The Hue Of Death...

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Chisa's POV

A black dog... is chasing me... down a corridor...

The sound of my heavy breathing... fills my ears...

Stairs... so many stairs...

Pain... so much pain...

And fear...


I woke up with a start, my eyes flying open. My chest was heaving, my sight was blurry. The dream I had was still spinning within my mind. Dreams are based on memories... but none of that has happened to me... yet.

Did I just dream about the future? My eyes widen in surprise at this possible truth. I've never done that before... could it be possible?

I let my gaze wander over my surroundings. Everything looks... pretty. I rub my eyes quickly, my vision becoming much clearer. I gasp softly, my eyes sparkling at the sight. Lush, green trees, dusted with powdery snow sway in the breeze, a beautiful contrast to the sapphire blue sky. Sunlight dappled through the gaps in the trees, warming my skin. I could hear the occasional chirps from birds and the hum of bees. Tears welled in my eyes at the beauty of it all. I never thought I'd see anything like this again.

After viewing my gorgeous surroundings, I sat up slowly. To my astonishment, I felt no pain... not even a measly headache. I couldn't help but find joy at that. For the first time in forever, I woke up to no pain - it felt nice.

I finally noticed that I was lying on the soft brown bark of a tree. I was extremely comfortable. Although... the colour of the bark did look familiar...

"Ah, she wakes at last!" A voice booms, breaking the silence.

I gasped, suddenly alarmed by the close proximity of his voice - it was coming from the bark. Instantly, I tried to scramble away as I now realised he was the one I thought was a tree... Ashen Eye.

At my sudden movements, Ashen Eye quickly wrapped his long limbs around my form, trapping me. In that moment, everything came back to me... Ashen Eye healing me, Joseph's rage, their deal... I kept struggling in his arms, trying to get away. He scares me... not as much as Joseph, but he's scary.

Suddenly, Ashen Eye put his hand over my face, partially obscuring my vision. To my shock, I instantly stilled. I couldn't move! My heart was beating erratically and I broke out in a cold sweat. My eyes were wide with fear. I felt him sit up slowly, but his hand remained at my face.

"There, now. Calm yourself, young Sleigh Beggy. You're still healing, you shouldn't move rashly like that. But I must say, I do enjoy watching your reactions... You're a special little thing..."

"W...why can't I ... move?" My breathing became shallow, even talking was nearly impossible.

"Ah! That would be because I want you to be still. You have been asleep for some time, replenishing your energy. The only reason you are awake now, is because I allowed you to consume some of my own energy."

I shivered at his words. I didn't like the idea of consuming anyone's energy... Joseph often did it with me, and I'd get very tired afterwards... I always seem to sleep for long amounts of time after being injured... why? I let my eyes wander again, noticing the mist that came from my mouth as I breathed. It's cold... but strangely, I feel warm... 

"Where... are we?" Fear evident in my voice.

I knew we were in a forest of some sort, but I know for a fact that I'm far away from Joseph. He lived in London, there were no forests like this in the city...

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