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Another surprise!

Chise's POV


I hate Latin...

Currently, I'm in Professor Maugham's Language Class. He's the Head Teacher of Languages. He's a nice man - in our first class, he explained the basics of Alchemy, probably for my benefit. Then he expressed how it's perfectly acceptable to make mistakes - that made me feel more comfortable in the College. Although, he did introduce me as a Magus to the whole class... that was embarrassing...

I've been attending the College for a few weeks now. Adolf asked me to come here, to help the College with Sleigh Beggy research, and after persuading Elias to let me go, I agreed to come. In exchange, I'm taking classes here at the College. I'm enjoying them... well, most of them.

Languages just aren't my thing. It was hard enough learning English when I came to England from Japan. I can speak English okay, but reading is still challenging sometimes. Especially since the way people read books here is different in Japan. But I'm getting there. Throwing more languages into the mix is confusing me slightly, but I'm sure I'll understand in time. Hopefully...

"Alright students! Homework for the next-"

Professor Maugham is suddenly cut off by a strong wind, followed by a bright flash of purple light.

I shield my eyes, hearing startled gasps all around me. I quickly opened my eyes, recognising the Ariels' magical energy, but I also sense a new, powerful source... but it feels familiar.

What I see shocks me. And I find myself gasping as my heart starts beating wildly. There's a person, standing unsteadily in the middle of the teacher's platform. But this isn't just any person... I'd recognise that violet hair anywhere...

It's her...

My twin...


"Chisa..." I whisper hesitantly, not quite believing what I'm seeing.

Her unfocused eyes waver to mine for a split second... and I saw so much pain in her eyes. She looked so frail and exhausted... Suddenly, she collapsed, falling to the ground with a loud thud.

"Chisa!" I yell, jumping out of my seat and over the desk.

I race to her side, worry immediately swallowing me whole. She's here, she's really here... I reach her in seconds, and I hesitantly reach out to hold her hand. Tears well in my eyes as I take in her appearance. She looks... awful. She looks so pale and scrawny, like she hasn't eaten in months. I brought my hand up to her face, lightly tracing the deep scar, even now it looked painful. Her breathing was shallow and raspy, making me even more worried. She has large bruise-like shadows under her eyes and her hands are ice cold.

I gasp outraged as I notice her stomach. Tears overflow as I see her hand drenched with her own blood. She's hurt... what do I do? I wanted to find her for so long... but I didn't expect her to be in a state like this. This is worse than anything I could have imagined. Guilt hit me, crushing my bones. Chisa, I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you!

"Chise!" A hand was gripping my arm.

I turned to face the person, snapped out of my trance. It was Alice. She, too, was looking at my sister with concern. I had forgotten that Alice had met Chisa before. Alice's hazel eyes snapped to mine.

"Chise, I know this is tough for you to see right now, but we need to get Chisa to the medical wing now."

Yes... the medical wing. Why didn't I automatically think of that? She needs help... my sister needs help. I nodded at her words, roughly rubbing my eyes. I have to be strong, for Chisa. Getting to my knees, I carefully placed my arms behind Chisa's back and underneath her knees. As gently as I could, I lifted her off the floor using the strength of the Dragon's Curse. She was light, too light. She inhaled sharply, her hand instinctively holding her wound tightly. More tears flowed down my cheeks, seeing her this way almost broke me. I held her close to me, tucking her head underneath my chin. She nestled closer to me, her fingers clutching my tunic. Her actions almost broke my heart. Can she recognise my presence, even though she's unconscious?

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