What Doesn't Kill You, Makes You Stronger...

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Chisa's POV

"You belong to me..."

I jerk awake, breathing heavily, sweat coating my forehead. Joseph's malicious tone claws at my mind; he is the sole source of my progressing nightmares. That would probably make him smile... but it makes me want to scream. I can't believe he wants to... merge with me; the thought makes me sick.

I don't want that!

But he made it clear that I have no choice... I can't stand against him... all because of that stupid Pact!

As I gain back my bearings, I realise that I'm lying on the couch, with a grey blanket covering my small frame. Joseph is nowhere to be seen, and I sigh in relief. I don't remember getting a blanket though... I just remember passing out on... Don't tell me he did this? I sit up quickly, clutching my head at the sudden pounding, hissing at the pain. I threw the blanket off myself and attempted to stand up...

My legs felt like jelly - I couldn't support my weight, and I fell back into the sofa again, breathing heavily. I seem to be so much weaker these days, I don't understand why... maybe it's Joseph... I do remember him telling me about my abilities. For one, I can generate magic, which he admitted that he absorbs sometimes... What is he doing to me? Is he somehow preparing my body for his sadistic plan? The thought makes goosebumps erupt all over my body, and I bring my weak knees to my chest, hugging them tightly. I have to try and resist this... I need to find the strength within myself...

The hum of a voice breaks me from my thoughts. It's coming from the other side of the bolted door. The voice sounds annoyed, angry even. I freeze, realising it must be Joseph... no, no, no! Why does he always appear when I wake up?

I gaze at the door fearfully, listening to the jingling of keys before it swings open. Shock plasters my face as a bloody and dishevelled Joseph staggers through the door, gripping the doorframe as though it's his lifeline. His hair is matted with blood, and his left arm is missing... I stare at his figure, wide-eyed. He looked... vulnerable... His bangs hide his face, but I could guess that his features probably express pain.

With sudden and newfound strength, I push myself up off the couch. Joseph suddenly snaps his head in my direction. His grimace turns into a grin - I still can't see his eyes through his silver bangs though...

"Puppy!" He rasps, I gasp at the eerie sound of his voice. "You're awake! I must say, I'm surprised... it's been three weeks since you passed out in my arms..."

I'm dumbfounded. Three weeks! How is that even possible? How am I still alive?

Joseph chuckles, his chest heaving. "I sense your confusion, puppy. I will gladly explain everything to you, after you help me over to the couch. As you can see, my health has been better."

I really don't want to help him, especially after everything he's done to me... but if I was in his position, I'd want someone to help me. Plus, I don't want to be a victim of his wrath again.

Hesitantly, I make my way over to him, until I'm standing just a few feet away. My eyes widen when I notice that his legs are shaking - he's even struggling to support his own weight... what happened to him? I take a few more steps towards him, and reluctantly reach out to grab his hand that is still clutching the doorframe. He clamps his hand around my fingers and I bite my cheek to stop myself from hissing at his death grip. I carefully reposition myself so that his arm is draped around my shoulders. Immediately, Joseph leans into me and I force myself to stand firm. I take slow, steady steps to the sofa, unwrapping his arm from around my neck, letting him sink into soft seat. He visibly relaxes, sighing in content.

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