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Chisa's POV

My head throbbed with every beat of my heart. Agonising, was the only way to describe it. I squeezed my eyes shut and I felt my forehead wrinkle... this didn't help with the pain. I tried to raise my hand to my head to rub my temple, in an effort to ease this headache - but I couldn't. I tried the other hand. It wouldn't move either...

This is weird... I'm definitely awake though...

I tried to move again - my whole body this time... but I couldn't. I felt... restrained. My heart stilled... I was flat on my back and I could hear nothing. I struggled against whatever bonds were holding me down - they wouldn't budge.

Suddenly, everything came crashing back...

Our conversation...
The Pact...
The needle...

My eyes flew open, a bright, halo-shaped light filled my vision, stinging my eyes. The only part of my body that would move was my head. I scanned my surroundings; I seemed to be in a medical room. There were trays of silver instruments to my left on a silver trolley, and glass jars with creepy, monster-like beings to my right. I winced upon seeing them. But they seemed to be suspended in animation. Alive, but at the same time... not. They must be the chimeras he told me he could make. I don't like this... This feels wrong; I have a sinking feeling in my stomach. Is he going to turn me into a chimera? I don't want to be monstrous! With a sudden burst of energy, I struggle against the bonds violently - to no avail. My throat closes as the tears slip from my eyes. Why am I so weak? Why am I even in this creepy situation?

I gulped audibly. I began quivering in fear. I know why I'm here. I made the stupid mistake of making a pact with an Alchemist when I knew nothing about him or what he's capable of. I pull uselessly against the leather straps holding me down, my heart rate rising. What does he plan to do to me? I'm scared. Is he going to hurt me? I don't like pain...

Why on earth did I ever trust this guy! He stuck a needle in my arm and drugged me with who knows what! He could be a slave trader for all I know! Spinning me tales about magical mysteries just to gain my trust. I was foolish enough to agree to the Pact... again. I should've jumped when I had the chance, before he ruined everything...

Just then, I hear the sound of a key jingling in a lock, and a door opens behind me. I immediately stop crying. I don't want to make him angry and give him a reason to punish me. But try as I might, I can't stop shaking. Whenever he's near me, I always have a sense of dread, like I know something bad will happen. Our past two interactions have proved this feeling!

"Ah! You're awake already! I apologise, puppy. I did plan to be back before you woke up... but I had business to attend to."

He walks slowly to my side, taking off his trench coat as he approaches me. Once he's at my side, Joseph reaches out and smooths out the hair that got in my eyes while I struggled. As always, I cower from his touch - he stops, looking puzzled.

"Are you afraid of me, Chisa? Why would that be, I wonder?"

He wonders! How can he not understand?! Here I am, tied to a surgical table, with an Alchemist chimera-maker... yep, no reason to be scared.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Joseph actually tugging a lock of my hair - it's not painful, just uncomfortable.

"Come on now! We spoke about this, did we not? Answer me when I ask you a question." He scolds me.

"Yes... I'm afraid." I reply, still shivering.

"Why would that be, puppy?" Concern feigns his voice.

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