My Future...

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Chisa's POV


Phew! What a lecture! This sounds awful, but I honestly don't remember most of it... Chise mentioned something about knowing my limits... be patient, I'll be able to move around freely soon... Don't over exert yourself...

Of course, I apologised and told her I'd be more careful from now on. Chise looked at me sceptically, knowing how curious and impulsive I can be. But I flashed her a smile and promised to stay in bed...

It's been another week...

I am seriously regretting my promise...

Sighing, I close the book I was balancing on my lap. Chise brought it up for me yesterday so I could pass some time. It was about Mages... and this was the third time I'd read it. I'd absorbed as much knowledge as I could, learning as much as I can about what may lie in my future.

It's been a long time since I last Flashed. It's probably a good thing - they mostly foretold nasty things about my future that I really didn't want to see. The book didn't mention anything about Mages having the power to see into the future though... could it be my own special power? I probably shouldn't speculate too much - Chise and Elias will help me figure it out, I'm sure.

Setting the book on the small table next to the bed, I uncrossed my legs and allowed myself to fall back on the bed. My back bounced against the mattress, and little wisps of my hair fluttered into my eyes. I had taken great care to plait it this morning, but right now I don't really care if it gets messy.

I'm just so bored...

Lifting my right hand, I gaze at the pretty amethyst ring on my index finger. I wiggle my fingers, watching the rays of sunlight flicker across its surface. I can't believe this small object holds so much power. It's amazing how magic can be so practical and useful when used for good. Angelica was right about this ring - it must be preventing my body from absorbing and expelling magic. I don't feel as tired anymore, and the bruise-like shadows under my eyes are disappearing. The ring is definitely fulfilling its role.

I'm truly happy to be here - why shouldn't I be? Everyone I've met since I arrived at the college have shown that they care about me. And being reunited with my twin is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Being able to hear her voice and hug her tightly, mended the gaping hole in my cracked heart.

It was all possible thanks to the help of the Ariels. If I hadn't met them in that forest, I would not be alive right now. They recognised me because of that nickname (The Alchemist's Starling), so I guess I should be thankful for that, too. They helped me - No, they freed me. I owe it all to them. I hope that one day, I'll encounter the Ariels again, so that I can thank them properly for saving me.

Suddenly, my thoughts are interrupted by a series of raps on the door opposite my bed. Startled, I quickly sit up straight, crossing my legs again. Smoothing out my hair, I call out to the person:

"Come in."

The door soon opens, revealing Adolf, the white haired Alchemist who I mistook for Joseph when I was in a hysterical panic. I feel my cheeks heating up in embarrassment at the memory. I hope he can't see it.

"Hello, Chisa. It's good to see you looking better. How do you feel today?" He smiled at me.

I struggled to smile back, and I instantly dropped my eyes. Honestly, I still don't completely trust Alchemists... I don't know what lies behind their eyes. But these Alchemists have helped me heal, I should give them the benefit of the doubt and try to trust them. I can't forgive or forget the torture Joseph put me through... but he was just one Alchemist. I can't judge them all just because he was a psycho. But first impressions are the most lasting...

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