His Other Side...

889 38 6

Chisa's POV

My heavy eyelids force themselves open...

It's dark... and I'm cold...

Where am I?

My body changes position; from lying down flat, to sitting up. I can feel the intense pain in my left arm from where he drew my blood... lots of my blood. But my body does not react to the pain. I can feel it, but no response.

Oh! It's happening again... my subconscious experience... it's another one of my many strange qualities. The best way to describe it? My mind is awake but my physical body, is not. Basically, sleepwalking.

Why now, though? Of all times, now?

I don't know Joseph's home... I might wander to a place I shouldn't or fall down those stairs or bump into something important and break it! If any of these things were to happen... I don't want to think of the consequences... I already know what he can do, and I didn't do anything wrong...

My body stands up - I immediately felt my head pounding, as my body staggered around the room. So this is the effect of losing too much blood - great, I'd better get used to it then.

My hands fly out in a tragic attempt to hold on to something to steady myself, but I can see nothing, only darkness. My leg catches on an unidentifiable object, which sends me sprawling to the floor with a thump. Just when I think things can't get any worse, my head explodes with pain as my body drags itself to its feet.

Soon, I feel a warm, sticky wetness, travelling down my face. Not more blood! I'm surprised I can even bleed after today, or yesterday... or whenever! After hearing I can sleep for days at a time, I'm not sure how much time has gone by.

Despite my head, my subconscious body keeps walking. Where? I don't know. I can't see a thing - only what my eyes see, darkness. I stumble around for a while, feeling extremely disorientated and anxious.

Suddenly, I collide with something. My hand stretches out, fumbling blindly - it feels like a table... maybe a desk? Just then, I feel something on the desk; it's smooth and circular... it might be one of those creepy jars...

Oh no... I can sense it coming... not now, please! I don't want to see...!



It's definitely him.

I think... he's in that hospital-like room. The only difference being, hospitals heal people, not hurt them. I can only see the back of him, but I can hear him humming - he sounds happy.

Joseph is standing over a metal trolley filled with... surgical equipment...

He lifts a sharp scalpel from the silver surface, and turns around. I can't stop the shiver that climbs up my spine as he gives his closed eye smile. Then he speaks:

"Are you afraid...?"

He pauses, and begins to walk over to the same metal bed where I was tied down. I follow his movements to the bed. I instantly feel sick as I gasp loudly.

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