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Ugh, why did summer school have to end. I mean who wouldn't want to spend everyday of summer in school, expanding your knowledge, becoming the second Einstein. However tomorrow's my first day in 11th grade. I can't wait. School is my favourite hobby.
Well if it is a hobby. However my older brother, Noah, thinks school is the dumbest thing in the world. He skips college  at least three days a week to hang out with his friends. Let's just say that me and Noah are complete opposites.

Here's a little backstory to our lives. My names y/n, I'm 16 and in 11th grade (well I start 11th grade tomorrow). Noah is 18 and goes to college (twice a week. I'm surprised he hasn't been expelled yet). We've live in California with our parents our entire lives. My personality is very different to Noah. I live school, especially maths. I go to maths club everyday after school with my favourite teacher, Mrs Johnson. Noah on the other hand, goes to college. He skips school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to hang with his friends. He never pays attention in classes so I guess he's pretty dumb (not to be rude or anything but he is). He always rebels against our parents rules by sneaking out to go to parties or to his "girlfriends" house. I always stick to my curfew, 9pm, and get all my homework done on time. I have a best friend, Mia, she also loves school like me. We've been best friends since 2nd grade and been inseparable since.

Anyways back to reality, mom is taking me shopping for school tomorrow. I get ready for the day and change into black leggings, a plain white t-shirt and black vans. I head downstairs to see my mom sitting at the breakfast bar with a bunch of papers infront if her.
"Morning mom" I say excitedly as I walk towards the fridge.
"Good morning my little princess, you seem excited today" she said not taking her eyes the sheets of paper.
"I can't wait to go back to school, I can't wait to do maths everyday after school again" I say practically jumping up and down with excitement.
We both decided on going to Target to get school supplies for the next semester.
(Skip to Target)
We get out the car and head inside. My mum heads off to get food while I get school supplies. I head to the 'back to school' aisle and scan every shelf for the most perfect items. I grab multiple packs of black pens, pencils, highlighters etc. I go find my mom and we head to the checkouts. I help put everything in the shopping bags until I look up and glance across to see Jaeden Lieberher.

He's so dreamy. His beautiful green eyes, shiny brown hair, perfect plump lips. Ugh I want to kiss him so bad. Maybe I'll have a chance with him this year. I've had a crush on Jaeden since 4th grade. I guess I've had a glow up this year. My lightly tanned skin, long hair and I've had my braces taken off over the summer. Stop it y/n! Go back to reality!

My mom pays for everything and we head back home. As soon as we get back I finish up all my homework, have a shower and get into bed. It's the next day. I jump out of bed and run straight to my bathroom. I brush out my messy hair and put it into two french braids. I brush my teeth and then head back to my room to get dressed.

I grab all my books and shove them into my bag

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I grab all my books and shove them into my bag. I then run down the stairs and out the door for school. My parents have already left for work and I have no clue where Noah is but who cares. After a 10 minute walk I arrive at school. I'm so excited to be back here. I go to my locker and shorty after Mia runs up behind me.
"Hey girly" Mia screams while hugging me.
"I've missed you" I shout back.
"I can't wait to see Mrs Johnson, it's been almost 8 weeks" Mia said with excitement in her voice.
"Well let's go, don't want to be late to her lesson on the first day of school" I say.
As I turn around, I catch a glimpse of Jaeden Lieberher. He's such a hottie. He walks down the hall, arm wrapped around his current girlfriend. By his left side is Finn Wolfhard and Jack Dylan Grazer. By his left is Lilia Buckingham (his girlfriend) Wyatt Oleff. Those are his best friends. Also know as a bunch of assholes. They bully me all day everyday. Whenever the see me they shout 'nerd alert' and throw my bag in the trash. I'm getting sick of them treating me like this but what can I do?

A/n: Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the first part to this series. If you did please vote for it and I'll continue to do this story. I'll try my best to post every day.

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