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Class soon ends. Me and Mia head out of class and to our next lesson. Mia has English and I have science. I grab my text book from my locker until someone slams my locket shut. I almost jump out of my skin as I turn my head to see Jaeden leaning against the locker next to mine.
"Hey y/n" Jaeden said as he smirks.
"What do you want" I say with an annoyed tone in my voice.
"I just wanted to ask you something" Jaeden replied with.
"Shouldn't you be with this weeks girlfriend of yours?" I say as I roll my eyes.
"She's not my girlfriend. Anyways i was wondering if you wanted to come to a party on Saturday?" Jaeden said.
"Really" I say in a confused tone.
"Of course, maybe we can become friends or something" he said with a faint looking side smile.
"Ok sure" I say trying not to scream.
"Cool, the address is 1678 north avenue" Jaeden said as he walks away.
I stand at my locker almost screaming with excitement. I can't wait for this party on Saturday.
Skip to the end of the day (yes I'm lazy😂)
I'm back home now. I go straight into the kitchen and find a note on the fridge. It's from my parents.

Dear y/n and Noah, we've gone on a business trip for the next two weeks. We've left money for food and anything else you could need. See you in two weeks.
From mom and dad.

Looks like we're home alone for two weeks now. I grab an apple and head into my room to do all my homework. Shit! I forgot to tel Mia about the party on Saturday. I grab my phone a message Mia.

Hey Mia, there's a party Saturday do you want to come with me? I really don't want to go alone💕

Of course I will. I won't let you go alone. Who invited you to this party?❤️

Don't kill me but it was Jaeden. He came to my locker after maths class and asked me💕

He's just playing with your feelings, he's an asshole, and you shouldn't go to the party❤️

I have to. I might even have a chance with Jaeden this year. He's not like his friends. He's sweet and kind💕

Whatever you say, I'll pick you up Saturday at 7pm❤️

After messaging Mia, I put my phone on charge and go take a shower. Soon after I get into bed and fall asleep.

A/n: I hope you guys enjoyed this part. Should Jaeden be trusted? Or is he being a player like usual? Please vote for this part!

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