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I look in his arms to see a huge teddy bear. I walk a little closer and see a piece of white card in the bears arms. I read it inside my head and realise written on it is "prom?". My heart begins to race as I think through what is happening.
"What's going on" I ask.
"Well read the card, is it a yes or a no" Jaeden questions with a huge smile plastered on his face.
"Are you serious, how do you know I can trust you after what's happened in the past?" I reply with.
"Listen y/n, I know I've been a dick to you in the past, but I'm so sorry. I can explain everything about why I did it but nows not the time, so will you go to prom with me?" Jaeden nervously asks for the second time.
"I-I don't know" I reply faintly.
"Take your time, we can talk about this later" Jaeden sadly said.
Jaeden drops the teddy bear from his arms and steps back slowly. He walks away and off the football field, leaving me, Jack, Finn and Wyatt alone. They look at me and seem kind of mad at me for rejecting their best friend.

They have no right to be mad at me, I didn't reject him I said I don't know. They need to get out my face and calm down. Stop it y/n! Your overreacting as usual.

I walk away, back through the schools hallway and then out the main door. As I step outside the doors I feel a drop of rain on my cheek. At least this time it wasn't a tear. I start to walk home and the rain only gets heavier. My pace quickens and I reach my house completely drenched. I rush in the door, slamming it right behind me making my whole house shake. As I run up the stairs I hear my phone vibrate in my back pocket, but I'm too cold and wet to acknowledge it. I go into my room and pick out some new clothes to change into.

After changing out of my dripping wet clothes, I grab my phone and see a message from Jaeden

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After changing out of my dripping wet clothes, I grab my phone and see a message from Jaeden. As per usual my heart begins to race again. I guess this will be a normal situation when Jaeden talks to me.

Hey y/n, I'm so sorry to be annoying and to bother you while you busy and probably hanging out with another guy that's probably your boyfriend, but can we hang for a bit?

This boy knows how to handle women, I think?

Of course you can, just come to my house whenever.

I place my phone back down on my bed and then lay down waiting for Jaeden to arrive. Ten minutes later I hear the door bell ring. I jump up and dash downstairs to the front door. I twist the door knob and open to reveal the cutest guy in the world.

How can I stay mad at him when he's this cute?

A/n: next part is done. Will y/n say yes or no for prom? Comment what you think will happen. Please vote for this part!

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