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As we sat in the nurses office, I could see how Jaeden was staring at me with guilt in his eyes. Jaeden picks up my hand gently and lays it in his. I looks down and my cheeks swell up again.
"I'm sorry" Jaeden said on the verge of tears.
"It's fine, and it wasn't your fault" I explained.
"If I never broke up with Lilia or shouted at her this morning and told her that i like-" Jaeden spoke, stopping half way through his sentence.
"You like what" I question.
"Oh um nothing, just forget it" Jaeden said nervously.
"Please tell me" I plead.
"No it noting important" Jaeden protested.
We sat in silence for the next few minutes until I felt Jaeden remove his hand from mine. Jaeden stood up and left the room.
Why did he leave? What did I do wrong?
For the next hour I laid down all alone until I heard a small tap on the door. The door swings open as Jack walks in with a single flower.
"Why are you here" I question.
"I was told to give you this, I can't tell you who it's from, but all I can tell you is after school go to the football field" Jack demands.
"Why" I ask.
"Just do it, you'll regret it if you don't. But that's not a threat, we'll a good one. I'm going to shut up and leave now, bye" Jack said embarrassingly.
I let out a small giggle and lay my head back down. Soon after there's another tap at the door. Then in walks Wyatt.
"Lemme guess you have another flower" I noted.
"Nope, I have a note for you, read it once I've left and your alone" Wyatt advised.
"Uh ok then" I say confused.
He hands me a folded piece of plain white paper then leaves. I look down at the paper to see my name and a little heart next to it. I read out quietly:
"Every second of every minute, every hour of every day, I will always love you" I whisper to myself.
My heart pounds inside my chest and a huge smile plants itself on my face. Then again another tap on the door and in walks Finn with a small blue gift bag.
"Are you kidding me" I say shocked.
"Here you go" Finn said then soon heads back out.

Who are these all from? Well it has to be Jaeden because he's the only one not here. I still have to go to the football field after school. God know why.

The end of the school day finally arrives. I leave the nurses office and go to my locker to get my bag. I walk down the long hallway and eventually reach the sports hall. I walk through and then to the door that takes you outside. I walk outside and see four people at the other end of the football field. I slowly walk across and see Jaeden, Jack, Wyatt and Finn. I keep walking until I'm right behind them. I gently tap on Jaeden's shoulder and he slowly turns around. I look in his arms and see...

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