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Twenty minutes pass and the door bell rings. I rush downstairs and open the door to see Jaeden standing there with a huge smile planted on his face and his hands in his front pockets. He hold his hand out and I place mine into his as we leave my house. We head to Jaeden's car and he pulls away. After a 10 minute drive we arrive at a forest.
"Your not going to kill me are you" I ask nervously.
"Of course not"Jaeden replies.
We get out and Jaeden interlocks his hand into mine. We walk far out into the forest and eventually stop at the most amazing water fall I have ever seen.
"Why are we here" I ask.
"I just wanted to bring you to my favourite place" Jaeden replies.
"Lemme guess, you bring all your girlfriends here" I say smirking a little.
"No. I've never brought anyone here before. Your the only person that's been here"Jaeden adds.
"Wow, I feel so special" I say while laughing a little.
We walk a little closer to the waterfall until Jaeden lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and lean my head on to his, while staring into his beautiful green eyes. I kiss him softly on the lips and hug him at the same time. We pull away and just watch as the crystal clear water runs down the cliff. Jaeden puts me down and tightly wraps his arms around me.
"I love you so much y/f/n" Jaeden's says.
"I love you too Jaeden Martell" I say back.


Liked by jaedenwesley, x

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Liked by jaedenwesley, x.mia.x and 4257 others

Y/u/n: my bby boy✨🥰


jaedenwesley: love you bby😘❤️

Y/n: @jaedenwesley love you more🥺❤️

User4: awww your so cute #couplegoals

x.mia.x: adorable🥺💗

User2: ewww, idk why Jaeden likes you. What does he even see in you🤮

lilia: 🤭🤮

Who knew that Jaeden Martell would fall in live with a nerd like me?

A/n: hey guys. I hope you enjoyed this series. Sorry it was kind of short. This is the first series I've ever done so it's not the best one. Do you guys want a sequel to this story? Comment if you want a sequel as I have some good ideas for a sequel. Please vote for all the other parts if you like them and comment if you liked this story.

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