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"Jaeden? How did you get in here?" I ask.
"You didn't exactly lock the door, and I saw what happened between you and Mia" Jaeden said with sympathy.
"Why would you care, your just an asshole that doesn't care about anyone but yourself" I reply with.
"I may seem like an asshole most of the time, but I'm sorry" Jaeden said.

Should I believe him or is this another one of his tricks?

"So why should I believe you after what you do to me everyday, the party and how you humiliate me constantly. Your always putting me down. So why should I believe you?" I ask.
Jaeden looks around and then places his hand on my waist. He pulls me forwards and kisses me on the lips.
I wanted to pull away, but at the same time I didn't. I continued to kiss Jaeden until I had enough.
"Why did you kiss me" I whisper.
"Well you didn't pull away for a while so I'm guessing you liked it" Jaeden spoke while smirking.
I smile back at Jaeden as he walks further into my room. He lays down on my bed and grabs the tv remote. Jaeden puts on a scary movie and pats the bed for me to sit next to him. I lay next to Jaeden keeping a small distance between us. Around thirty minutes into the movie Jaeden closes the gap between us and wraps his left arm around my small body. My heart begins to race and my palms become sweaty.

Maybe Jaeden Lieberher isn't so bad after all.

The movie soon finishes and Jaeden gets up. I walk him downstairs and too the front door.
"So maybe we can hang out again sometime" Jaeden nervously said.
"Sure I guess" I reply with a shaky voice.
"Here's my number" Jaeden softy speaks as he hands me a small piece of paper.
Just a Jaeden is about to leave he pulls me forwards and kisses me cheek. I immediately feel my face go bright red, and Jaeden walks away to go home. I close the front door and slide my back down it. A huge grin plants itself on my face as I recall what happened this evening.

A/n: isn't Jaeden such a cutie? Do you think your being played or does Jaeden have genuine feelings? Sorry its kinda short. Please vote for this part!

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