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"Can I help you" I say with a pissed off tone in my voice.
"I'm sorry y/n, I over reacted. I shouldn't have done that" Jaeden said almost crying a river of tears.
"You shouldn't be apologising to me, you really hurt your best friend all because of me. What's so special about me you have to take me to prom?" I question.
"It's not that, jack knew I liked you, I asked you and you would have to eventually give me and answer. I was just hoping it was a yes" Jaeden reply's.
"So you like me huh" I ask with a small smirk.
"I-uh that's not the point, I shouldn't be here, I'll see you around" Jaeden reply's while walking off.
I turn back and see him slowly walk away, his head hanging low and hands in his small pockets on the front of his denim jeans. I run up to him and pull him closer to my body. I wrap my hands around his neck and press my lips onto his.

And of course another creepy opinion on his kissing style. He's slow, unlike Jack. I prefer to go slow. His soft plump lips taste sweet. Not a specific flavour like Jack but still amazing. Ok yes that's kind of creepy.

Jaeden of course kisses back and it's just the most amazing kiss in the world. Maybe even better than Jack. Jaeden pulls away after a minute or two and blushes like crazy. I wanted to kiss him again go badly but I can't. I say bye to Jaeden and head inside my house. I take a shower and change into some grey sweatpants and a black sports bra. I head downstairs and make some dinner for me and Noah. I call him down and we both sit at the table.
"So hows school been" Noah asks which is weird since he's never interested in my life what so ever.
"It's good I guess" I reply keeping my response short and simple.
"So who's that guy that you was kissing in the front yard" Noah asks curiously.
"Oh um that's Jaeden" i say quietly.
"You guys going to prom together" Noah asks. He really likes to ask a lot of questions.
"No I'm going with someone else" I say nervously.
"So you kissed a guy when you already have a date for prom" Noah asks trying not to laugh his head off.
"It gets worse I'm going with Jaeden's best friend" I say trying not to make things awkward.
"Ooo, that's bad. Since when is my nerdy little sister a player" Noah said laughing at me.
"I'm not a player, so get that idea out of your head. I still need to buy a prom dress. I mean prom is in three weeks" I say.
"Well have fun, I'm going back upstairs" Noah said before going back to his room. I finish up with dinner and do the same thing. Once I'm in my room I put on Netflix and watch a movie. I grab my laptop and sit at my dressing table while searching for the perfect prom dress. I grab my phone and text jack for his opinions.

Hey Jack. I need your help. What colour prom dress do i get? You need a to wear a tie that matches my dress too🥰

I don't mind, any colour would be perfect❤️

How about a red, or pink💗

Red? Red is my favourite colour too❤️

Of course, I'll have a look for a dress now. I'll send you pictures of a few options in a while.

I start to look on dress websites to find the perfect dress for prom. After looking for an hour I find a few options. I look through them and decide to ask Jack for his opinion on the best dress.

Ok so I found three dresses I really like, what one do you prefer💗

Y/n🤩 Ok so I found three dresses I really like, what one do you prefer💗

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Jack💕I really love the second one

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I really love the second one. You would look amazing in it😍.

You think? I really like the second and third ones. I can't decide💗

You can choose whichever one you want, you'll look beautiful either way❤️

Aww my heart🥺 your too cute. I think I'll go with the second one if that's your favourite, but you'll need to get a matching tie. I'll order my dress now💗

Ok that's amazing, I can't wait to go with you. It will be an amazing night. I should probably go to bed now.  Night y/n❤️

Goodnight Mr Grazer🥰

Is it bad that half of me wants to go with jack and the other half with Jaeden. But I guess there's no turning back now. They're both so kind to me. I can't wait for prom with Jack it's going to be such an unforgettable night. But who will Jaeden go with?

A/n: did you guys like this part? I really enjoyed writing this part as it's so cute. Which dress was your favourite? Did jack make a good decision choosing the second one? Please vote for this part!

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