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"Ok class take your seats, welcome back I hope you had a lovely summer" Mrs Johnson happily said to the whole class.
"I need a volunteer to hand out the worksheets please" she adds.
My hand shoots up straight away and I proceed to the front of the class to collect the paper sheets. I walk around handing everyone a single sheet of loose paper with a bunch of maths related questions. I reach the back left corner where Jaeden, Finn, Jack, Wyatt and Lilia are sitting. I lightly roll my eyes at Jaedens friends and I place the paper on their desks. I turn back to return the extra sheets when I feel a leg in front of me. I face plant the floor and the paper flys into the air. I look back and see the four idiotic boys laughing at me. I look around and see all the other students in the class laughing too, except for Mia.
"Did you have a nice trip" one kid shouted.
"Send me a postcard" another shouted.
I single tear slipped down my cheek as I stood up and retrieved the fallen pieces of paper. I return to my seat, next to Mia, and acted as if nothing had happened.
20 minutes later...
After a short amount of time I finish the worksheet. I take it to Mrs Johnson's desk and go back to my seat. I look across and see Finn staring at me. He lifts his hands from the desk and points to the floor, then me and claps his hands together mocking me when I fell over.
(A/n: I hope Finns gesture makes sense)
I shake my head and focus on the clock above the classroom door. A few minutes pass and Mrs Johnson leaves to photocopy the next worksheet. That's when the four boys start mocking me even more.
"Hey nerd, I never got that postcard" Finn shouts at me from the other side of the class room.
"Finn knock it off, she can't help having huge man feet that she trips over all the time" Jaeden replies.
They all start laughing at his comeback as I hold back my millions of tears.

Why do I even like him? There's no good in Jaeden at all. He's just a total asshole. With the prettiest eyes and most kissable lips. Ugh stop this y/n! He's not worth it!

I look down and pick at my nails until I feel someone tug on my hair. I turn my head to see Lilia. She yanks on my hair practically ripping it out of my scalp and pulls me back.
"You wanna play a game nerd" Lilia whispers against my ear.
Tears flood in my eyes as I push her back, causing her to fall over. Jaeden rushes to Lilia helping her up and kissing her.
Lilia walks closer to me and gets right in my face to the point I can feel her breath.
"Do anything like that again and you'll be sorry" Lilia exclaims as she pushes me back. I sit back down and place my head on the desk.
What did I ever do to deserve this shit?

A/n: hey guys! I hope you enjoy this chapter. Sorry it's kinda short but it's 11pm on a school night and I'm sick. Please vote for this story

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