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"About what" I ask.
"I need to ask you something"Jaeden answers.
"Will you be my girlfriend"Jaeden asks softly rubbing the back of his neck.
"Wait really" I ask not answering his question.
"Yeah, what do you say" he asks again.
I grab his neck and pull him close to me. I smash my lips onto his and softy kiss him. Jaeden quickly pulls away and looks at me.
"Does that answer your question" I ask smirking a little.
"I think we better try again" Jaeden replies softly biting his lip.
We lean in again and kiss for what feels like forever. Jaeden pushes me back a little and lays on top of me moving his hand slowly up and down my leg. I continue kissing him until I feel something a little hard on my leg. I look down and Jaeden goes bright red at what I saw. He climbs off me and lays next to me. We decided to put Netflix on for a while but I end up falling asleep next to Jaeden.
The next day...
I woke up around 9am, I look across and see Jaeden peacefully sleeping. I run my fingers through his hair and just watch him as he sleeps (that sounds kinda creepy🤭). Eventually Jaeden wakes up and cuddles with me a little.
"I'm gonna have to go home soon" Jaeden said.
"Oh ok" I reply a little sad.
We get out of bed and both get ready for the day.
Your outfit:

Jaeden leaves around 11am and I just do a bit of homework

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Jaeden leaves around 11am and I just do a bit of homework. I go make myself some lunch and look in Instagram while I eat.


Liked by jaedenwesley, wyattoleff and 2173 others@y/n mine💕Tagged: @jaedenwesley View all 647 comments:

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Liked by jaedenwesley, wyattoleff and 2173 others
@y/n mine💕
Tagged: @jaedenwesley
View all 647 comments:

@mia you guys are goals, I miss you y/n🥺

@finnwolfhardofficial #shipname you guys are too cute, when's the baby due??💕

@jaedenwesley love u😘

@jackdgrazer cuties🤩

@lilia get tf away from Jaeden you whore😤🤮

I finish my food and then I get a message from Jaeden.

(Jaednen: lover boy💕, you: bby girl🥰)


Lover boy💕
Hey cutie, I'm gonna pick you up in 20 minutes. I have a surprise❤️

Bby girl🥰
Ok, I'll see you soon❤️

I wonder where Jaeden's taking me?

A/n: hey guys. Sorry this part is kinda short. Please vote for more!

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