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My eye lashes flutter a little as I raise my head. I look around and see I'm sitting in a hospital room. My head starts pounding and my cheeks sweat a little. I look around more and see I'm alone. I panic a little until the door slowly opens and Jaeden walks in.
"What happened" I ask quietly.
"You fell over and hit your head while ice skating, you'll be ok" Jaeden replied reassuring me a little.
"I want to go home" I add on the verge of crying.
"You can leave soon, I promise" Jaeden said.
Jaeden grabbed my hand and didn't let go till I fell asleep.
The next day...
Around 11am I was signed out of the hospital. Jaeden took me home to rest as my head is still hurting pretty bad. Once I get back Jaeden helps me up to my room and puts me in bed. Just as he's about to leave I grab his hand and pull him back.
"Can you stay the night, my parents aren't home" I ask not referencing for anything bad to happen.
"Yeah sure" Jaeden replied.
He walks back to my bed and lays down next to me. I place my head onto his chest. I cuddle up with Jaeden a little and put a movie on. We decided to watch titanic as it's my favourite movie. Half way through we both got hungry and went downstairs. I jumped onto Jaedens back and he carefully carried me down and placed me on the kitchen counter.
"We could order a pizza" I say.
"Yeah sure, I brought a bit of money so I should be able to pay" Jaeden replies.
"No, I'm paying" I quickly add.
"Not happening" Jaeden said.
I go grab my phone and order a large pizza for us to share. I put the tv on downstairs and put titanic back on at the point we paused at. We sat down and around 20 minutes later the pizza arrived. I got to the door and payed the man. I took the pizza to the living room and me and Jaeden stared to argue because I payed. I playfully slapped his cheek and he dramatised it by falling backwards. I grab his hand to help him up for him to just pull me down, on top of him. My legs straddle his hips as I stare down at his beautiful green eyes. We both lean in a little until I realise what's happening.
"I'm sorry I can't do this" I say getting off him and sitting back down.
"I'm sorry, I just oh um never mind" Jaeden replied while blushing a little.
"What is it" I ask.
"It's just, I really like you y/n. And now I've messed up all chances with you, did I say that out loud" Jaeden asks a little embarrassed.
I softly smile at him then all of a sudden press my lips onto his. Jaeden places his hand on my waist and kisses back deepening the kiss. We pull away after a minute, even though I didn't want the kiss to end, and eat the pizza. After eating and watching the rest of the movie, we head upstairs. I decided to take a shower as I've been in the hospital and feel all gross. I grab some sweatpants and a plain black top to put on after. I take them into my bathroom and take a quick shower. Once I'm done I reach out to grab my towel when I realise I forgot to bring one in.
"Jaeden! Can you bring me my towel please" I shout.
A minute passes and I hear a knock on the door.
"Can I come in" Jaeden asks.
"Well I'm naked so just close your eyes, open the door and I'll take the towel" I respond.
The door opens and Jaeden is standing there with his hand on his eyes and his arm out with the towel in his hand. I take it and quickly wrap it around my body. I look across to Jaeden and he's staring at me, and almost drooling.
"You good" I ask.
Jaeden blushes and quickly replies saying yes before rushing back to my room. I laugh a little and got dressed and went back to my room. I walk in and Jaeden is on the phone to someone.
"I'm gonna ask her tonight...what if she said no...I really like her...I hope it won't be awkward...I'll see you soon...bye" Jaeden said on the phone.
I walk in and sit on my bed, not long after Jaeden does the same.
"We need to talk" Jaeden said nervously...

A/n: hope you enjoyed this part. Please vote for more!

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