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We soon arrive at the beach. We get out the car and walk down the beach a little until we find a good place to sit. As we sat there watching the waves crash onto the shore, I turn a little to face Jaeden.
"So um" I say nervously before turning back to look at the sea.
We sat there not saying a thing for at least half an hour.
"Do you maybe wanna get some ice cream" Jaeden asks.
"I guess so" I reply.
Jaeden helps me stand up as we head to the ice cream parlour. After a quick walk we arrive. Jaeden decides to get chocolate and vanilla, you get (your favourite flavour). Jaeden pays for both of us and I thank him so much.
As we start to walk back along the beach, our hands are gently brushing against each other's. My cheeks feel like their burning. I must look like a tomato by this point. Jaeden moves a little closer and then all of a sudden he places his hand into mine. I can immediately tell his hand is a little sweaty as he's so nervous. We stop walking and sit back down.
"Can I ask you something" I ask.
"Of course" Jaeden replied while acting a little nervous.
"Why did you bully me, and why are you acting so nice to me all of a sudden" I question.
"I know this will sound like bullshit, but I've liked you since 6th grade. Crazy right. But I couldn't ever tell my friends as I guess they liked you too. We would always try to compete with each other to get your attention. It all became so much that we kind of took our anger out on you and started to be assholes" Jaeden replied.
"I-I dont know what to say about that. I can't tell if your lying or telling me the truth" I say looking down a little.
"How do you want me to prove it"Jaeden asks.
"I don't know" I reply.
"Let's go back to my house" Jaeden said ending the sentence.
We head back to my car and drive to Jaeden's house. The whole drive is silent until Jaeden moves his hand to my leg. My heart begins to race and my hands become sweaty. We arrive back and walk into Jaeden's house. We walk through the door and Jaeden's mum is in the kitchen. We walk to the kitchen so Jaeden can tell his mum he's back.
"Hey mum, is it ok if y/n stays here for a while" he asks.
"Of course she can, where is she" Jaeden's mum asks.
"Y/n come here" Jaeden calls.
I walk through the door way and reveal myself.
"Nice to meet you y/n, I'm Angela. If you ever need anything you can always ask" Angela said smiling at me.
"Ok thank you " I reply.
I look up a little and see Angela whisper a little to Jaeden while looking at me.
"Yes mum she is, why" he asks trying to whisper even though I heard him.
"She's very beautiful, you'll be lucky to keep her" Angela whispers back.
I feel myself blush super hard as Jaeden grabs my hand and takes me upstairs. We walk into his room and from the last time I was here it's a lot cleaner. The night of prom his room was covered in dirty clothes. But he's a boy so what do you expect. We sat on his bed and put on Netflix. Jaeden slips his hand around my waist and pulls me super close to him. I pull myself out of his grip and sit up next to him.
"Ok then, prove it" I demand.
"Prove what" Jaeden asks while smirking.
"Don't play dumb Martell, I'm waiting" I reply back.
"I don't know how to prove it to you" he reply's.
"There has to be a way to prove it" I say.
"I have a way to prove it" Jaeden said.
He leans forwards and places his hand on my cheek. He leans in closer and kisses me on the lips. Jaeden softly bites my bottom lip and kisses a little harder. We eventually pull away and I feel myself blush.
"That doesn't prove anything" I say smirking.
"Shut up y/l/n" Jaeden adds trying not to laugh.
I return to sit next to Jaeden and cuddle up with him again.

A/n: sorry this series is so shit. I'm sorry I'm uploading pretty slowly. I've been kinda sick for a few days. I'll try to upload as soon as possible.

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