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I stare at Jaeden for a couple of second until I move over to let him in. He steps inside and stands there fiddling with his fingers for a few seconds until he speaks up.
"So, now that the others aren't here, will you do the honours and go to prom with me" Jaeden said with fear in his voice.
"Jaeden, I'm sorry I can't, Jack asked me about ten minutes ago" I say sympathetically.
"Are you kidding me" he said angrily.
Jaeden walks out the door and slams it shut behind him. He walks away annoyed but mostly upset. I follow behind him calling out his name to come back. I follow him for a few minutes until he arrives at a house. He walks to the door and bangs on it super hard. A few seconds later the door opens revealing Jack.
"How could you fucking do that to me? You knew I liked y/n and you asked her to prom when you know how badly I wanted to take her!" Jaeden screams in Jacks face.
"Well I guess your not the only one that likes her, you can't have everything you want" Jack reply's with no sympathy.
"I fucking hate you" Jaeden shouts back.
He walks closer and punches Jack across the face, causing him to fall back. I watch behind them and scream at Jaeden to stop. He continues hitting Jack until he's almost unconscious. I approach Jaeden and push him away from Jack.
"Are you fucking crazy, why would you do that" I cry.
Jaeden doesn't reply, but he does walk away with his fists clenched. I sit on the floor and place Jacks head in my lap. I sit there for a few seconds until I decide he needs to lay down. I help jack up and into his house. I wrap my arms around his waist and help him up the stairs to his room. I lay him down and sit there holding his hand for a few minutes.
"I'm so sorry Jack, are you ok" I question.
"Yeah my head just hurts a little" Jack reply's softy.
"I should be going home now, I'll see you at school tomorrow"I say.
"Wait I need to tell you a secret" Jack said waving his hand indicating for me to move closer to him. He pulls my face closer and gently presses his lips onto mine. I kiss back for a second before pulling away.

Can I just say Jack is an amazing kisser. Not to be creepy or anything but he tastes exactly like fruit loops and cherry. Yes that's a little weird but it's true and I have no complaints.

After a few awkward minutes I get up and leave jacks house. I start to walk home and on the way back I can't forget what Jaeden said: you knew I liked y/n.
I keep thinking about what he said over and over. As I walk up the path to my house, I look up to see...

A/n: Boom! Another part done. What did you think? Who's waiting for you on the doorstep? Please vote for this part.

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