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As I step through the schools double doors all eyes lay on me. I can't help but notice Jaeden and his friends staring at me while tragically biting their lips. I'm surprised they didn't cut their lips open. Multiple boys whistle as I bounce down the school hallway I look to my left and see those four idiotic boys and Lilia. She looks super pissed off at Jaeden. Of course Finn try's to trip me over as usual. I stop before I can fall and turn to Finn. I walk closer to the fact I can see sweat glands drip from his face, looking as if he's full of fear.
"Do you have a problem" I speak.
He doesn't reply. I put my hand on his arm and move it closer to his crotch. I reach his crotch and gently squeeze.
"It's ok Finn. I know I'm hot, and I'm so sorry you get a hard on every time you see me. But don't you dare try touching me again. Do I make myself clear" I whisper against his ear.
Finn softly nods his head and I remove my hand from his crotch. I step back and proceed to walk to my locker. I can faintly hear Jaeden, Jack and Wyatt laughing at Finn from behind me.
"Yo dude you really going to let her touch you up like that?" Jack questions.
Finn pushes Jack then follows behind me. I arrive at my locker and soon after Finn slams it shut and grabs me by the back of my neck and pulls my face towards his.
"You really shouldn't of done that nerd, because you will regret every decision you'll make from now on" Finn shouts in my face.
I laugh in his face and he pushes me away.
"I mean I wasn't lying was I Finny boy" I laugh back at him.
"Wanna hang out after school" he smirks back.
"I'm good, so you can just keep making out with your stuffed animals" i return.
He releases his hand from my neck and turns red like a tomato. Finn backs up and returns to his friends.

Does he really think I would hang out with him after whats he's done to me in the past?

Its finally the end of the day. I grab my bag from my locker and meet Mia out the front. I haven't seen her all day and she looks at me with anger in her eyes.
"What have you done" Mia shouts.
"This is my new style. You like it" I ask.
"You promise you would never change for anyone, are you trying to be like all those other sluts" Mia screams back.
"What's your problem, am I not allowed to change my look? Your not my mom you realise!" I return.
"If your going to look like this everyday, you can find a new best friend because I'm not hanging out with a less hot version of Lilia" Mia said.
"And what's that supposed to mean?" I question.
"I'm not being best friends with a wannabe slut, the girl that wants a boy that clearly doesn't want her. Let's face facts y/n Jaeden doesn't want you. If he did he would've done something about it. But he fucking hasn't. So stop trying to be popular because you never will be. No one wants you y/n, get that in your head" Mia shouts back.
I step back and my eyes flood with tears. I turn around and sprint home. I hear footsteps follow behind me but I'm too upset to look back. I reach my house and run through the door. I lock the door and run into my room. I jump on my bed and shove my face into a pillow. My eyes explode as my pillow drowns in my salty tears. I hear a knock on my bedroom door. I completely ignored it until the banging was continuous.
"Stop banging on my fucking door" I shout.
I get up and open the door to reveal...

A/n who do you thinks at the door? Why do you think Mia said the things she did? Have you just lost your best friend? Please vote for this part!

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