Chapter Three: Submission

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Two Months later...(Y/N) Pov

I walk through the castle halls to the throne room. Wilfre has requested my presence and I'm worried. Nothing has been going on for our plans and that has me concerned. I approach the throne room and stop. I take a deep breath and open the door and walk to the foot of the throne. I stand before Wilfre and wait for him to speak.
Wilfre: "(Y/N) I have a plan that could possibly yield excellent results."
(Y/N): "We are finally taking action?"
Wilfre: "Yes, now have you found any potential allies for our cause?"
(Y/N): "I have...but they all work for a woman named Cinder Fall. But not to worry...I'll be able to convert her and her group to our cause."
Wilfre: "Perfect, gather them then report back here. I must work on the final parts of our grand plan."
I turn to leave but a burning curiosity makes me stay.
(Y/N): "Wilfre...why do you want me to keep the Book of Life?"
Wilfre: "Cause you can do so much more with it than I can. All that training we've been doing for the past two months was to help you draw faster so you could prepare whatever you needed in short amounts of time."
Satisfied with the answer I got, I leave to look for Cinder and her group. I take a baki with me to keep me company. They can't speak but they can listen.
(Y/N): "I am worried little baki. It may be...very difficult to sway Cinder to our side especially since I've learned the truth about her. In the reconnaissance I've done she appears to work for an even greater master who has promised to give her power. But I may have a better offer and a way to convince her."
The baki makes a small noise as if to agree with me. We exit the castle and I take out the book and start drawing a car and a driver. Both things appear before me, with the driver immediately opening my door for me. I nod and get in the back seat along with the baki and start to pet it. The driver gets in and starts the journey to Vale by driving through a portal. Wilfre can create the portals with a small red gemstone he has but he sometimes looks at it in frustration and distain. A sudden jolt alerts me that we are now on the outskirts of Vale. Now I must prepare my grand speech for Cinder on why she must join my side. I see something out of the corner of my eye.
(Y/N): "Stop the car."
The car stops and I get out. I see a familiar head of hair and walk toward it. I enter into an ice cream shop and see them buy some neopolitan ice cream. As they walk out I stand in their way, I take a closer look at them confirming who they were. They seemed annoyed until...
(Y/N): "Would you like a ride back to base Neo?"

Cinder's Base-3rd Pov

In the base all is calm. Emerald and Mercury are playing playing poker, with Emerald winning every time. Adam is sharpening his blade and Cinder is looking over some plans. The peace is disturbed when Roman rushes in panicked.
Emerald: "Whats with the running and the shouting?"
Mercury: "Yeah some of us are trying to focus on some important stuff."
Roman: "But we have a problem!"
Cinder: "And whats this problem Roman?"
Roman: "Someone is looking for you! I don't know why but their looking for you."
Emerald: "Let them come. Cinder will beat them no matter what."
Mercury: "But what if its..."
Adam: "Who?"
Mercury: "The person who exposed us at Beacon..."
Cinder: "If it is then I will kill them for ruining our plans!"
???: "I didn't ruin your plans. I just delayed them."
Everyone one snaps their attention to where the voice came from. They all see a man in a cloak wearing a mask who had Neo at gun point. Adam grips his blade.
Adam: "Who are you!"
The figure doesn't respond, it just continues holding a gun to Neo's head. Neo looks a little concerned but not much. Cinder rolls her eyes and charges at the figure with a blade made of glass and impales the figure through the chest and the figure crumples over dead. Cinder turn her attention to Neo.
Cinder: "How could you let yourself get caught by that extremely weak man?"
???: "Because she allowed herself to be caught and that wasn't the real me."
The real man grabs Cinder from behind and puts her in a choke hold with a knife to her throat. Everyone draws their weapons this time, but the man laughs.
???: "Good idea guys. Try to kill me when I have your leader hostage here, real smart."
Cinder: "What do you want..."
???: "To make you an offer you can't refuse."
The man releases Cinder and pulls out a gun and aims it at the back of Cinders head. He pulls the trigger The gun doesn't have any ammo. Cinder smiles and turns to the man with her arms folded as the man puts the knife and gun away.
Cinder: "Interesting way to set up a deal. I'm listening."
???: "I had to make an impression. Now lets all take a seat."
The man pulls out a book and starts to draw in it. Seconds later a table and several chairs appear shocking everyone. The man just smiles and takes a seat, also offering everyone one else to take a seat. After everyone is seated the man lays out his offer.
???: "I want you all to come back to my base and work for me and my partner."
Cinder: "And why would we do that?"
???: "I can actually give you anything you desire. Wealth, power, men and women, anything. All can be created and given with this book."
Roman: "Wait, how much money?"
???: "Enough to buy the world and then some."
Roman: "Count me in!"
Cinder: "Hold said something about delaying my plans. What do you mean by that?"
???: "I have a...vendetta against Ozpin and pretty much everyone at Beacon. I want to be the one to put them in their place. However there are some at Beacon I would like to spare due to...circumstances. Now you can either be part of the future or you can die here now."
The man snaps his fingers and several other armed individuals surround the table.
Cinder: "How did you get this many people inside our base?"
???: "Simple, I drew them into being like I did with the impostor. The one problem is that they can't talk...but I'm working on fixing that. Like I said this book can create anything."
Cinder: "...Fine I'll work for you. Whats your name."
The man stands up bows.
???: "You may call me Salem, artist extraordinaire."
Cinder starts laughing at Salem. He starts laughing as well.
Salem: "I have done my research on you Cinder. I know who you used to work for. And don't worry they will work for me in time as well."
Cinder: "Good luck with that. Now how are we getting to this base of yours."
Salem stands up and holds three fingers up.
Salem: "3...2...1"
A portal appeared behind Salem and he motions them all to walk through it. They do and he follows shortly afterwards.

Wilfre's Castle-(Y/N) Pov

Wilfre: "So, are our new recruits settled in?"
(Y/N): "Yes, you will meet them tomorrow morning. You should've seen how Roman freaked out when he saw the shadow ghouls."
Wilfre: "Well it has been a long day. I wish you a pleasant sleep. As we start phase one of our plan tomorrow."
(Y/N): "I look forward to it. Night Wilfre."
I make my way to my room chuckling to myself about how Roman will react on seeing Wilfre. I arrive at my bedroom door and enter it locking the door behind me once I do. I prepare to get ready for bed but stop when I have a blade pointed at my throat. Neo, with a look of anger, holds the blade and holds up a sign with some writing on it. I read it aloud.
(Y/N): "You never told me how you knew my name. And you said my friend wasn't dead and you knew where he is. Now where is he."
I give Neo a smile and put a hand to my mask.
(Y/N): "Simple Neo I know your name and where your friend is because...I am your friend."
I remove my mask and watch as Neo's face turns from anger to shock. She drips the blade and it clatters on the ground. For a few moments we stare at each other as I wait for Neo's response to me being alive. Neo tackles me in a hug and I feel tears wet my clothing. I return the hug and rub Neo's back and say some calming words.
(Y/N): "It's okay...I'm here and I'm alive. I'm sorry for making you think I was dead...but it was necessary for what I have planned."
Neo looks up at my face, tears still running down her face. I wipe the tears away and pick Neo up, placing her on my bed.
(Y/N): "Tonight, you sleep with me. So that in the morning when you wake you'll know it wasn't a dream."
I remove my cloak and settle into bed with Neo. She grabs onto me in a tight embrace and tries to drift off to sleep. I close my eyes and think to what Wilfre could possibly have planned for tomorrow.

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