Chapter Four: The Idea

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(Y/N) Pov

I wake up feeling a heavy weight on my chest. I open my eyes and see Neo sleeping on top of me, her face close to mine. I need to get out of bed but Neo is in the way and I don't want to wake her. I carefully maneuver my way out of bed, without waking Neo, and I put my cloak and mask on. I then unlock my door, but before I leave I pick Neo up and carry her on my back. I make my way to the throne room, seeing various shadow creatures on my way down. I reach the throne room and see that no one is there so I just wait...with Neo sleeping on my back.

Ten minutes later

Neo woke up and I talk to her for a while before the new recruits filed in. I look over to them with a smile. Roman looks around and grows a frown on his face.
Roman: "So wheres your partner? This is his castle after all right."
Wilfre: "Yes this is my castle...and I think you should show some respect."

Wilfre dropped from the ceiling behind them which caught all of them off guard, in Roman's case making him fall over

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Wilfre dropped from the ceiling behind them which caught all of them off guard, in Roman's case making him fall over. They were intimidated for a second but then they saw his height.
Emerald: "Uhh...your kinda short"
Wilfre: "I may be short but..."
Wilfre appears behind Emerald.
Wilfre: "You wouldn't be able to beat me in a fight."
Wilfre then teleports to his throne and reclines on it, he glances over to me.
Wilfre: "So you have any information on our biggest threat."
(Y/N): "Well you see Wilfre, the main reason why I gathered Cinder and her group was because they had successfully infiltrated Beacon Academy before I exposed them. So they should know about any threats we should be aware of that I may not know of."
Wilfre: "Well Cinder? Are they any threats to beware of in Beacon?"
Cinder: "Well there is a girl, Ruby Rose. She possesses silver eyes, if she figures out how to use them then we would be in trouble."
I start pacing in thought...thinking of ways to remove Ruby from the playing field. I never knew Ruby well...or any of my bullies for that matter.
(Y/N): "Do any of you know anything about Ruby's parents? I know of her sister but not the parents."
Cinder: "Well for one her mothers dead."
I latch onto this.
(Y/N): "She has a dead mother...interesting. You two!"
I point at Emerald and Mercury. They jump in surprise.
Mercury: "Ahh what!"
(Y/N): "Find me a photo of Ruby's mother...I have a plan to remove Ruby from the board."
Emerald: "Uhhh...okay?"
They set out. I decide to delegate some tasks to Roman.
(Y/N): "Roman, I want you to keep an eye out for any...opportunities to weaken Beacon."
Roman: "Alright, just prepare to have my large sums of lien ready for me when I get back."
(Y/N): "I'll be paying you on a monthly basis depending on how good your work is."
Roman seemed satisfied and hurried out if the room. I give Adam and in extension White Fang a very important mission.
(Y/N): "Adam I want you to take White Fang and spy on all the activities in Vale.
Adam doesn't respond and just leaves. Now Cinder was the only one left in the room besides me, Wilfre and Neo.
(Y/N): "Cinder...for now just aquatint yourself with the castle. I have no important job for you so just relax."
Cinder clenched her fists and barred her teeth but walked out of the room. I turn my attention to Neo.
(Y/N): "Neo head to my room, I have somethings to discuss with Wilfre."
Neo nodded and ran out of the room. Wilfre stands up and we both face each other.
Wilfre: "Will this be enough to achieve our plans?"
(Y/N): "No...but it is a start. We need the Salem of this world on our side. If we want to have a better chance."
Wilfre: "Well if you can't sway this other Salem to our side then we must remove entirely."
(Y/N): "I agree fully. Now I assume you know planned for Ruby?"
Wilfre: "I think I know and it is a very clever idea. Now the other main thing we should be focusing on is this."
Wilfre pulls out the red gem and hands it to me. I look it over and notice something odd.
(Y/N): "The gem looks like its been broken...was this part of a greater whole?"
Wilfre: "Yes, I had a scepter that gave me great power. When I lost the second time the scepter was broken during the battle. But the pieces have been scattered around this world. We must find them and bring them back together to rebuild the scepter. And no we can't just draw them into being. The strength wouldn't be the same."
(Y/N): "Alright I will get people working on this. Now I'm must excuse myself so I can work on a personal project of mine."
Wilfre: "You are excused."
I make my way to my room with a smile. I have to make some preparations. As I open the door I see Neo laying on my bed sound asleep and under the covers. I walk over to an empty wall and look at it. I smile and prepare my wall of revenge. I put pictures of teams RWBY, JNPR, SSSN, CDRL, ARM_, and as well as the staff at Beacon. One day all of the people in the pictures would be removed from the board. I couldn't just kill them they need to suffer. I decide to take a walk through Vale and think over various plans.

To Vale

As I reach Vale I start my walk around the city. As I walk I realize that before I can make any moves against Ozpin and his school. I need to learn more about those who stand in my way. I need to find what their weaknesses are so I can use them against them. And so I could turn potential allies against them. Suddenly someone bumps into me knocking me to the ground. I look up to see...Ruby.
Ruby: "Oh, I'm sorry sir! I wasn't watching were I was going."
(Y/N): "It's fine..."
Ruby flinches at my harsh tone and becomes nervous. I can't have that...
(Y/N): "Sorry, you just made me lose my train of thought."
Ruby: "Oh! I'm sorry, I should've been watching where I was going."
(Y/N): "It's all right, just be careful. People don't like being knocked over and may not be as forgiving for repeated offenses."
Ruby: "Well I've got to head off. See you around!"
Ruby runs off, but I notice something on the ground. It was a picture...I pick it up and turn it over. I smile to myself, it was a photo of Ruby's mother...I can't waste any time. I start to head back to Wilfre's castle while I start looking the photo over...taking in the details of the woman in the photograph. This will be easier than I thought.

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