Chapter Eleven: Street Life

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Vale-(Y/N) Pov-Ten years ago...

Ah Vale...a beautiful city with lovely shops and-
The most friendly people you'll ever meet. I run away from the shopkeeper who's stuff I stole. I duck into an ally way and go through a chain link fence with a hole in it. The shopkeeper attempts to grab me but fails to do so, I decide to start taunting him
(Y/N): "Thanks for the food!"
Shopkeeper: "You stole way more than food!"
(Y/N): "Look, its not my fault that the lien in the open register was easy to grabbed. Can't you take pity on a poor seven year old boy?"
Shopkeeper: "No! Little shits like you have their own reserved spot in hell!"
I start to fake cry seeing if he'll give me any pity. But...
Shopkeeper: "Your tears have no effect on me. Now give me my fucking money back!"
I decide right then and there to take off in a sprint. The shopkeeper yells more swear words at me.

One hour of running later

I arrive to my super secret hide abandoned apartment building! I climb up the fire escape and make my way to my room. It gets cold at night but theres nothing I can do about it. I unpack the food I stole and put the lien I stole in a box for safekeeping. I then go to the mattress I found and lay on top of it and grab the covers I found to try to stay warm.

55 minutes later

I keep tossing and turning in bed before eventually giving up and grabbing one of the books that I've borrowed from the library to read. Before I even start reading I hear something outside.
???: "Get away from me you sicko!"
Man: "Ah, feisty. You'll make an excellent worker."
I go over to the window and see a man trying to grab a girl who looks about my age. I grab a rock and throw it at the man. It hits him and he looks up to see where it came from. I throw another rock and this time it hits him square on the head, knocking him unconscious. The girl looks up at me and I just wave to her. I point over to the fire escape ladder and she gets the idea. She walks over to it as I set the ladder down. She climbs up and pats me on the back.
Girl: "Thanks for the save."
(Y/N): "No problem. Hey whats your name?"
Girl: "I'm Emerald, yours?"
(Y/N): "(Y/N)."
Emerald: "Do you have anywhere I could hide out for a bit?"
(Y/N): "I do!"
I grab Emerald's hand and take her to my base. I take her inside and she just looks around, but then she starts shivering. It is drafty in here, especially at night.
(Y/N): "Are you cold?"
Emerald: "Yeah..."
I take the her by the hand and lead her to the mattress. I set her down in the bed and climb into bed with her.
Emerald: "W-what are you doing!?"
(Y/N): "It gets cold at night, like really cold. So I thought if we snuggled up together we would stay I doing something wrong?"
Emerald: "No...its just...I wasn't expecting you to suggest something like that."
We both smile and snuggle up to each other. For the first time I wasn't cold while sleeping in my base.

Two years later

Emerald: "Are you ready for this?"
(Y/N): "Yeah Em, I'm ready."
We smile to each other. And we walk through the sea of people, picking the pockets of everyone I pass. When I get to the other side I see Emerald waiting by a dust store. I walk over to her...but I see her face change from a smile into one of horror.
Emerald: "(Y/N) RUN!!"
I prepare to start running but something grabs my arm and starts dragging me away. I struggle to get out of the grip, Emerald tries to get over to me but she gets stuck in the sea of people. I'm lifted up and thrown into an armored van and the doors are closed and locked. I get up and peer out the rear window to see Emerald running after the truck.
The van then speeds up and I fall over and hit my head and black out.

??? later

I open my eyes in a dimly lit cell. I get up and walk to the door and feel it, its made of metal. I walk back over to where I was lying down and see that they only provided me with a thin pillow and thin sheet. I then hear footsteps approaching the door opens up and...

(Y/N)'s Room

I open my head hurting from the memories of the past. I turn my head only to see that while I was asleep, that Ruby and Neo came back and got into the bed with me and Emerald. My mask was still on my face so Ruby doesn't know my identity yet. I sigh in relief and look over to Emerald. How could I have forgotten her? Did something happen that made me forget her. I take a deep breath and look out my window. Its night so I decide to just go back to sleep. Now I have the next few days off...I will use the time in order to relax and think my strategy over. I close my eyes and go back to sleep.

Silly Me...I Forgot  To Mention...I CheatedWhere stories live. Discover now