Chapter Thirteen: Guys Night Out

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(Y/N) Pov

I pace around my room, worried. Velvet's disappearance might draw some more attention to my activities, especially with the fact that they must've found the bodies of team CRDL. My problems go even further with Velvet having seen my face so I can't let her go. I take my mask off and hold a hand to my head. I'm interrupted by knocking on my door. I put my mask back on and walk over to the door. Opening it I see Roman, Adam and Mercury on the other side. Roman and Adam were wearing cloaks and wigs...weird.
(Y/N): "Do you need anything?"
Roman: "Yeah...uhhh we were gonna go out and we thought to invite you."
(Y/N): "Where would we go?"
Mercury: "There is this one place that I thought looked interesting."
(Y/N): "What's the place?"
Adam: "Some stupid casino called G.O.Fortune..."
(Y/N): "And why do you want me to come."
Mercury: "Uhhh...because..."
Adam: "Cause these two idiots don't want to lose any actual money."
(Y/N): "And why are you going Adam?"
Adam: "They're making me go."
I roll my eyes, a waste of my time. I start to close the door but Roman stops me. Mercury then grabs my arm and drags me out of my room.
Mercury: "No you don't! What you did yesterday was not a break. So you are coming with us and your gonna like it."
Mercury drags me away from my room to a bullhead. I cringe at the possibilities of what could happen.


After they all drag me through Vale I see it. The building with the name of the casino on it. It was rather impressive, green mixed with gold along with many other colors adorned the outside of the building. I feel myself walk through the doors of the casino and I'm even more impressed by the inside. There were slot machines, roulette tables, craps tables, a variety of tables with many people playing different card games from blackjack to poker. The employees were wearing dark green suits with gold trimmings. Roman and Mercury push past me and go right to the slot machines while Adam just stands next to me. I look at the door and notice a sign that says Vale. I shake my head and walk over to one of the card tables. I observe the game going on...however I notice that every round the dealer changed to someone else at the table. Then I see that none of them were wearing what the other casino employees were. One of them turns to me and smiles.
Man: "Hey, want to join in?"
(Y/N): "Wheres the dealer?"
Some of the others patrons start to laugh a little. The man quiets them down and turns back to me.
Man: "Look around...the workers walking around each table are making sure the dealers for the current round at the table aren't rigging the game in their favor."
I look and see that there were employees going around each table that appeared to be starting a new round. The man then pulls me down into a chair and pats me on the back.
Man: "We were just about to start a new round. I think we should deal you in. HEY! WE GOT A NEW ONE OVER HERE!"
An employee walks over with some poker chips and sets them in the table in front of me.
Employee: "Currency?"
(Y/N): "...Lien...?"
Employee: "That will be...2500 lien for these 250 chips."
I sigh and quickly draw up the amount of lien I need and hand it to the worker. He counts it and walks off, and the man who has been hounding me taps me on the shoulder.
Man: "You know how to play right?"
(Y/N): "Yeah...make crazy bets and psyche out the competition."
Man: "Thats exactly how you play. Now lets deal."
Two cards are dealt out to each person and five cards are laid at the center of the table face down. The man sees my confusion and gives a slightly concerned look.
Man: "We're playing Texas Holdem. Are you sure you know how to play?"
(Y/N): "I'll figure it out..."
I look at my cards...a six of hearts and a seven of spades. I look around and see everyone putting some chips down and I follow suit. After all the chips are gathered the first three cards are flipped over revealing a six of diamonds, a nine of spades and a queen of clubs. Right now I have a two pair...and there are still two cards hidden. Two of the people at the table fold, leaving six people still in the game. I look to my pile of chips...seeing that I have about 225 left which must equal about 2250 lien. I put 75 chips into the pot and the next card is revealed, a seven of clubs. I have a two pair, I get my next bet ready and wait. The man puts in half of his chips, making everyone groan.
Woman: "Really Victor, Your pulling this shit again?"
Victor: "Who says I'm pulling any kind of trick? I'm playing to win."
I roll my eyes and just push my entire pile of chips to the center. Victor looks over to me, as does everyone else.
Victor: "I see we have someone who can take a risk. Well then lets make this more interesting."
Victor pushes the rest of his pile into the pot. The last card is revealed...a six of clubs. Victor reveals his cards, a queen of spades and a seven of hearts... a two pair. I reveal my cards seeing that I tied with Victor...until I see the look on his face fall.
Victor: " have a full house. Well you won every single chip I have."
???: "Nice move...may I cut in?"
Everyone turns to the new voice sitting at the table. Its a man in a black military uniform outlined with gold. He ran a hand through his black hair and pulled out a cigarette and lit it up. I get a...weird feeling looking at the I know him. Victor looks at the with a look of contempt.
Victor: "Hello Alric...what are you doing here?"
Alric takes a drag from his cigarette.
Alric: "I'm here to do what everyone else is doing."
Victor pulls out a knife on a chain and makes to stab Alric but a playing card suddenly flys through the air, nicking Victor on the check, leaving a small cut. The casino goes quiet, I look to where the card came from. I see a man standing on a walkway with gold hair and a dark green suit. Some people at the table start whispering.
Patron: "Victors done it now. He pissed off a-"
Woman: "Yeah, we know."
The man walks down to us and takes a seat at the table.
Man: "Take a seat everyone. I see we have someone new here. I am the owner of the casino, my name is Ferdinand, the-"
Alric: "Theres no need to go into that. I would like for you to be the dealer for our game of blackjack."
Ferdinand: "...Alright then, who is your opponent?"
Alric: "The new guy...the one with the mask."
Ferdinand: "Do you know know how to play blackjack mister mask?"
(Y/N): "I can figure it out..."
Ferdinand: "Alright, well lets get some-"
Alric: "We'll be betting something else, if you don't mind."
Alric pulls out a knife and sets it on the table. He then looks at me and waits for me to do the same. I pull my dagger out and set in on the table. Victor and Ferdinand's eyes widen.
Ferdinand: "Uhh...are...are you sure you want to bet that...?"
(Y/N): "Its the only thing I have that can match his bet."
Ferdinand: "Alright...lets get started..."
Alric and I get our cards, the card I know I have is a seven. Alric has a nine, Ferdinand sighs and straightens up.
Alric: "Hit me."
A six...fifteen in total.
(Y/N): "Hit me."
A five...twelve in total.
Alric: "...Hit me..."
A four...nineteen in total.
(Y/N): "Hit me."
An eight...twenty in total. Alric flips his face down card...a two...shit. He starts to smile and looks up at me.
Alric: "Twenty one...I win."
I flip my face down card over revealing an ace...I also have twenty one.
Ferdinand: "Its a draw. Now I think its time for you to go kid."
Alric pounds his fist on the table.
Alric: " rigged the game, didn't you..."
Ferdinand: "...My house, my rules."
Alric: "I demand another round!"
Ferdinand: "Sorry, but I believe you are playing with a minor. I'm sorry sir but you will have to leave the premises."
(Y/N): "...Its alright, my friends dragged me here anyway."
Ferdinand: "Ah, well I'm afraid I already kicked your friends out for causing...problems."
(Y/N): "I won't ask..."
Alric pulls out a revolver and points it at Ferdinand's head.
Alric: "We will play another round..."
Ferdinand: "You really think you can threaten me?"
I take this moment to slip away and out the way I came. When I exit I see the guys sitting on the sidewalk. I sigh and walk up to them, Mercury however turns and grabs me.
Mercury: "Remember how you killed CRDL yesterday?"
(Y/N): "Yes...?"
Mercury: "Cardin survived apparently, your sword missed his heart and he was found really quickly and was able to be rushed to a hospital."
My eyes grow wide...Cardin saw my face, he could my identity. I walk away from the guys and down the street.
Roman: "Where are you going?"
(Y/N): "...To finish the job."

Silly Me...I Forgot  To Mention...I CheatedWhere stories live. Discover now