Chapter Twenty Five: Guest of Honor

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(Y/N) Pov

Ami: So could you tell us where we are going?"
Guard1: "For the last time, shut the fuck up. We'll be there soon."
I roll my eyes and look at Ami. She looks over to me.
(Y/N): "I think you should keep trying, you'll win him over with you amazing personality eventually."
Ami: "I have some questions for you actually."
(Y/N): "...Alright then."
Ami: "How are you still alive? I saw you die and I recovered the body."
(Y/N): "Recovered the body?"
Ami: "Ozpin sent us to recover...your body."
(Y/N): "...I survived because I have a secret weapon that let's me cheat death."
Guard1: "What are you talking about?"
(Y/N): "Are you aware that it is rude to eves drop?"
The second guard hits me in the jaw with his pistol. When I recover from the blow I look at the guard.
(Y/N): "Well fuck you too then."
I feel the truck come to a stop. One of the guards opens the door and the other guard drags me out. My eyes adjust to the sun as there wasn't a whole lot of light in the truck. I look around and see that we were in a clearing in the woods. There was a large mostly wood house, many smaller wood bunkhouses and a mine.
The guard drags me to the front of the large house. I'm placed in a line up with Ami, Reilly and Milly. I see two people in pristine white uniforms with golden buttons walk towards us with...Jameson.
Jameson: "Well hey there Salem, how've ya been!"
(Y/N): "Why are you here?"
Jameson: "Why ya see after our first run in. I met some fancy soldier named Alaric, which lead to me being hired by a fancy commander named...something Rezalvar."
(Y/N): "What are you going to do with me..."
Jameson: "Well I'll hand ya over to Rezalvar and collect that huge price on ya head."
As Jameson talks I try to free my hands from the rope. I get a kick to the back of my leg and I fall to the ground. Jameson looks at me with annoyance. He pulls a gun out and puts it to my head.
Jameson: "If ya are going to be difficult then I'll just put a bullet in ya head. I won't get as much but I'll get enough to live my the rest of my life in luxury."
I stare into Jameson's eyes and I narrow my eyes. I hear footsteps and Ami knocks Jameson to the ground as he pulls the trigger. The guards grab Ami and pull her off Jameson. He looks at Ami with a face of intense anger.
Jameson: "Ya fuckin animal! I'll fuckin skin ya!"
Jameson grabs Ami and starts slamming his pistol into her face over and over again. He then pushes her to the ground and starts to kick Ami in the stomach. I smile as I see Ami getting what she deserves. When Jameson is finished he takes some deep breaths to calm down.
Jameson: "Take them away..."
As the guards grab us I hear some stairs creak. I look at the large house and see that man from the train standing on the porch...Fritz. I see that Fritz has bandages around his neck. The men in the uniforms scoff.
Man1: ''s that halfbreed. Why is he here.'
Man2: 'Shut up! He might here you.'
Jameson looks at Fritz and smiles.
Jameson: "Fritz! Out of bed I see, how's ya throat?"
Fritz shrugs and points to me. Jameson looks at me and then back at Fritz.
Jameson: "What about him?"
Fritz points to the second floor of the house. I look up and see a figure in the window, but I can't identify who it is.
Jameson: "Jon wants to see Salem?"
Jameson closes his eyes and puts a hand to his face.
Jameson: "...Well I can't say no exactly so take him or whatever."
Fritz nods and grabs my arms and pulls me to the house. I look and see Milly and Reilly are being lead to one of the bunkhouses at gun point. Ami was being dragged along with them. I look back to Fritz who was pulling me inside the house. I decide to make some small talk with the man.
(Y/N): " have you been since I last saw you?"
Fritz just gestures to his throat and says nothing.
(Y/N): "You have a problem with your throat?"
Fritz just nods and leads me up the stairs. I look around and don't really see anything of interest. Besides the fact that some of the wooden walls were shoddily constructed. I feel us stop and I look and see a door. Fritz opens the door and leads me into what must be a dining room with a long table in the center. Fritz leads me to one end and sits me down in a chair. I look at Fritz and them I look at the other end of the table. I see Jonathan, he was wearing the same outfit he was wearing on the train but he didn't have his mask on.
Jonathan: "Hello again! How was your ride here?"
(Y/N): "What the fuck do you want."
Jonathan: "Look, I know that you aren' biggest fan after our first encounter. I want to make it up to you."
Fritz grabs my hands and cuts them free of the rope. I look back to Jonathan who has a smile on his face.
Jonathan: "Now, you must be hungry after the long ride here. How do you feel about having steak for lunch?"
(Y/N): "I...could care less."
Jonathan nods his head and looks to Fritz. Fritz nods and walks out of the room. I look at Jonathan and he still has that smile on his face.
Jonathan: "Do you want to know some things about me?"
(Y/N): "I don't want to-"
Jonathan: "Well you see, where I'm from I belong to a noble house, House Sanger. In my youth I dabbled in acting after I saw a film in a theater. It was wonderful, it was completely different from the plays my parents took me to. When I turned twenty I remember going to a film set and watched them actually film several scenes for a film. I remember the first film I starred in, it was...oh the name always eludes me but I was praised by everyone including the king's grandson..."
I roll my eyes and start to tune him out. But I can't help but be curious...I've never of Jonathan or his noble house, where is he from. I hear the door open and Fritz is back with two glasses and bottle of wine. Fritz places a glass in front of Jonathan and fills the glass with a purple liquid. Jonathan stops talking and smiles.
Jonathan: "Thank you brother. Would you mind getting our guest a glass of wine as well?"
Fritz nods and walks over to me and gives me a glass of wine. After pouring me a glass of wine Fritz walks out of the room again. I look at the glass and then to Jonathan.
(Y/N): "I'm not a fan of wine."
Jonathan: "Well...maybe you'll like this one."
I look back at the glass and grab it. I take a sip and almost spit it out.
Jonathan: "How is it?"
(Y/N): "It's sweeter that I thought it would be. I wasn't expecting that."
I take another sip and I taste various berries in the wine. I feel myself start to relax as I drink.
Jonathan: "Ah my brother, I love him but...there are flaws to being what he is."
(Y/N): "Flaws?"
Jonathan: "He is a halfbreed, and according to law he cannot own or inherit any sort of property. Sometimes a person who insult him with derogatory names they don't dare  physically assault him due to his..."
The door opens again and this time Fritz is pushing a cart into the room. Fritz places a plate with a medium sized steak, corn and mashed potatoes. I take the fork and knife and cut into the steak and see that it cooked to medium. I look and see that Jonathan has the dame meal as me. Fritz also sits down with a plate of food in front of him.
Jonathan: "Well, let's eat."
I start to eat my food, it was okay not the best but better than nothing. I look and see that Jonathan seemed to be enjoying his meal.

After the meal...

Jonathan: "Ah...I've missed meals like that."
I nod in agreement, Fritz also nods. Jonathan stands up.
Jonathan: "Well...lets get you a room while you wait for Rezalvar."
Fritz takes me by the arm and takes me out of the dining room. Fritz leads me to a nice looking bedroom. Fritz nods and closes the door and I hear it lock. I walk over to the bed and sit down. I reach into my pocket and pull out the steak knife from the lunch we had.
(Y/N): "Maybe serving me steak wasn't the best idea..."
I hide the knife under my pillow and lay down and close my eyes to rest.

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