Chapter Fourteen: Finishing the Job

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Hospital 3rd Pov

In the hospital, a nurse was tidying up the room that Cardin was occupying. On a table in the room was the broken mask that (Y/N) was wearing. On the bed Cardin started to stir, then he opened his eyes. The nurse looked over and smiled.
Nurse: "Oh! Your awake, we thought that it would take longer for you to wake up."
Cardin tried to speak but nothing came out. The nurse walked over to Cardin's bedside and put a hand on his shoulder.
Nurse: "When you were attacked, your vocal cords were damaged beyond repair. Your lucky to be alive...somebody found you and brought you here."
Cardin looked around the room and saw the mask on the table.
Nurse: "I have to go now. Ozpin will be here later to ask you some questions."
The nurse leaves the room and Cardin lifts up the blanket and sees the bandages covering the stab wound to his chest. He puts the blanket down and lays back down onto the bed.

Five minutes later

The door opens, Cardin looks up and sees a male nurse enter the room. He closed the door as he came in. The nurse then walks over to the medical cabinet and takes a syringe out and a bottle of some kind out of the cabinet. The nurse inserts the syringe in to the bottle and fills it to the brim. He turns to Cardin.
M.Nurse: "Hello, I've been asked to give you a numbing agent."
The nurse walks over to Cardin's bedside and takes a cloth and wipes down a spot on Cardin's arm. The nurse then sticks the syringe into Cardin's arm and injects the liquid into his arm. When the process is over the nurse removes the syringe and sets it down on the bed, along with the bottle that the liquid came from.
N.Nurse: "You know...I'm surprised your still alive after what happened to you. And that you saw your attacker's face so now he can get what he deserves."
The nurse stands up straight and starts doing something to the call button. Cardin looks at the bottle and picks it up and reads the label. Cardin's eyes go wide when he sees what the label says. The nurse takes the bottle out of Cardin's hands and looks at the label.
M.Nurse: "Morphine. Yeah...I can't allow you to reveal to anyone who Salem is."
Cardin realizes whats going on and went to press the call button. Nothing happens however.
M.Nurse: "You didn't think I would let you get help, right? I need you dead, cause it helps our plans."
The nurse takes one of Cardin's pillows.
M.Nurse: "Now...lets speed up the process."
The man starts to smother Cardin. Cardin fights back but can't really do anything against his assailant. Cardin's movements slow and eventually stop all together. The "nurse" then returns the pillow back to its spot and starts to tidy up the room and also puts the morphine and syringe away. He then turns to Cardin's body.
M.Nurse: "If me smothering you didn't kill you then the morphine overdose will."
The man opens the bathroom door and steps inside closing the door, but not all the way.

Ten minutes later

The window to Cardin's room opens from the outside and through it climbs (Y/N). He carefully sets himself down into the room and looks around. When he spots Cardin on the bed (Y/N) makes his move. Quietly walking over to the bed (Y/N) grabs one of the pillows and places it over Cardin's face and starts to smother him in his sleep. After a while (Y/N) stops and puts the pillow back. With Cardin dead this time (Y/N) starts to make his exit before seeing something shine on the table. Curious he walks over to the table and sees a bracelet...with one of the red gems he was looking for. He whispers to himself.
(Y/N): "Cardin had one of the gems I'm looking for?"
Taking the bracelet (Y/N) then makes his exit. However, he was unaware of the figure who had actually killed Cardin. And that figure had recorded everything he needed. The figure steps out of the bathroom and goes onto his scroll.
Man: "Hey, the target is heading your way. Yes...if you do this you will get a pardon for all your crimes from Ironwood."
The figure hangs up on the scroll and looks at the window. He scoffs before leaving the room...after all. How else was he going to delete the security camera footage of him entering the room and then not leaving until ten minutes later.

Side note: Sorry for the short chapter but I think the next chapter will make up for it...

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