this ain't a party

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~ This Ain't a Party (get off the dancefloor) ~
Party Poison - My Chemical Romance

A guy with bright, red hair and a yellow clown mask that covers his eyes and nose, storms in, pointing a matching yellow raygun at the trio of BLI workers.

"You should have stayed on your side of the street, motherfuckers." He shoots both the Draculoids down in two easy shots.

Another guy, shorter than the first, appears behind him wearing a purple-faced Frankenstein mask.

"Aww honey, you saved one for me." He shoots down the man in white with two shots to the head. He brings his green raygun up to his mouth and blows the tip of the barrel, winking at the other guy.

The red-haired guy smiles and rolls his eyes. He sniffs the air. "Is that coffee?" He looks over at me and I just stare back, unsure of what to do or say to these colourful strangers that just saved my life.

The guy behind him pulled up his mask to reveal a cute, round face beneath. He takes it all the way off letting his black hair fall on his face. He smiles at me. "Hi there."

"Umm, hi?" I reply.

The coffee machine dings behind me and I realise I'm still holding the bug spray and raygun. I put the spray down on the counter not daring to take me eyes of the colourful strangers.

"Hey uh, considering we just saved your life I think some of that coffee is in order." The red-haired guy says taking his yellow mask off and shaking his bright hair. He flips his hair out of his face, showing pale skin and sharp features. His hazel eyes stare into me, sizing me up.

I stare back at the two hot, cocky ass guys that think they can burst in my house, save my life and demand coffee.

"You can have coffee after you introduce yourselves and explain," I say finding a burst of unnatural confidence.

"Explain what? And would you put the fucking gun down. If we were gonna kill you, we would have done it already." The red-haired guy says putting a hand on his hip.

The other guy elbows him. "Party, be nice." He smiles at me again, a cute goofy grin. "I'm Fun Ghoul."

"So, you are Killjoys," I said speaking more to myself then that boys.

The red-haired stranger laughs. "Are you blind? Of course, we are. You really think two guys like us walking around is normal. No, and especially not in the City."

Fun Ghoul nudges him. They make eye contact before Red turns back to me.

He sighs, "Right. I'm Party Poison. I'm also craving coffee."

Satisfied I turn around and grab three mugs from the cupboard. "Sugar? Milk?" I ask.

"Yeah, just two sugars and some milk. I'm not fussy." I hear Party Poison say behind me. I nod but turn around looking at Fun Ghoul, waiting for his answer.

"I'll have the same," he says, and I watch him give Party a cheeky smile.

As I grab the milk from the fridge I ask, "So, if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here. Not that I'm not grateful. It was just incredibly good timing."

The boys chuckle and take a seat at the island bench.

"Well you see, it's been 5 years. We were starting to get worried. We thought 3 to 4 years would be enough but after that, we thought we should check on you." Party says.

"What do you- How do you know it's been 5 years? Who are you?" I question, confused. I quickly pour the milk, careful to keep my hand from shaking too much.

"You did read the letter, right?"

Ghoul asks.

I add the sugar and stir, slowly. "Yeah... How do you know about the letter?"

"You know Dr Death Defying, right?" Party asks and I nod in response. "Well, he sent us here."

I turn around with the coffees in hand, wanting to know more. I pass one to Party and he already has his lips on the mug before I can give Ghoul his. He softly moans into the cup after taking a long sip.

Ghoul bumps his shoulder, "Hey, save it for the bedroom." Party gives him a sideways glance and tries to hide his smile in the coffee. "He hasn't had a cup in over 24 hours so excuse any rudeness." He says to me, taking a small sip of his own.

I can't help but smile. "So back on topic. You two are here because Dr Death sent you to check up on me because he is worried?"

They nod, Party's face still in the mug.

"Why though. I mean, I'm not special and do you really expect me to run to Dr D right after my Dad dies?"

Party places his empty mug on the counter. "We didn't, that's why we gave you 4 years."

Next to him Fun notices the empty mug and passes over his practically full one to Party. He mutters thanks and takes a sip.

"We're here to check you're not dead and since you aren't you have a choice. You can either stay here in this shithole of a city, or you can come with us." They both grin at me, almost as if they're trying to convince me with their cute smiles.

I think back to earlier when I was in my room, thinking about the pin and where it would lead me.

"What does coming with you involve?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Some seriously fun, chaotic, life-threatening, high-risk shit."

"Don't forget rad."

had to republish because wattpad is trash x

and the chapters get longer i promise...

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