good morning Dr Death

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~ Good morning Dr Death ~

Ghoul, Missile and I haven't moved for the last 2 hours. The others come and go but I was glued to the screen. We started watching an animated movie about escaped zoo animals called Madagascar. It's great, Missile and I couldn't stop laughing. Now we were in the middle of Shrek. I remember this movie from when I was little and it's still a classic.

Sunshine Killer walks- skips into the makeshift living room and falls down into the lazy-boy. "Good news!" She sings, leaning forward, her chin resting on her hands. I try to give her my full attention, but Donkey was saying something about a nice boulder. "Dr Death says we can go to the mall. We're gonna get you new clothes!" she beams.

"Am I coming?" Missile asks from her spot between Ghoul and me.

Sunshine's face falls. "I'm sorry Kiddo, but Dr D says you gotta stay here. Jet will look after you though, maybe if you ask him, he'll help you practise shooting."

The girl thinks for a moment. Clasping her hands together in front of her and making a stern facial expression, she says, "Only if you get me a unicorn."

"I think that can be arranged." Sunshine grins at the small girl.

"Who's getting a unicorn?" Kobra walks in, takes a seat at a booth and pulls out a comic.

"Do you want one too, Kobra?" Ghoul asks, cheekily.

"Nah, I've already got several." He replies looking bored and opening up his comic.

I turn my attention back to Sunshine, "So this mall... It's not inhabited. What about Dracs?"

"Nah, we've never seen many Dracs, but of course that doesn't mean we don't have to be careful. All the Killjoys know about it so every now and then a group will make the trip up to see what's left. It's more like a stopping point for most Killjoys. A place to take shelter when going from A to B. But considering it's in Zone 6 it's only on the way to The Stacks or Hyper Trust. I think it's because it's known for being an 'extermination hot-spot'." She uses her fingers as quotation marks.

"That doesn't sound dangerous at all." I say sarcastically.

"It's not, trust me. We'll be fine that's just a rumour. News travels fast in the desert and there hasn't been a sighting of Dracs there in at least 6 six months. And Kobra Kid's got our back. Right Kobra?" Without looking up from his comic he puts his hand up in a finger gun, aiming it at Sunshine.

Party walks, an unlit cigarette hanging off his lip. "Dr Death is finished now. He's ready to meet you," he says to me, talking around the cigarette in the corner of his mouth, his bright red hair falling in his face.

I look down in my lap. What if he doesn't like me. What if he doesn't think I'm 'Killjoy material' and sends me back to the city where I'll be captured by SCARECROWS and taken into custody and possibly killed, or worse put on those pills again and I'll forget this place and these people ever existed.

Ghoul gets up off the lounge and offers me a hand. I take it and he yanks me off the couch. He must sense my nerves because he smiles and gives me a sideways hug. "Don't worry E, he'll love you. I know we do."

I look at him, being the same height, I didn't have to look up or down at him. "E?" I ask raising my eyebrows.

"Yeah. I like it better than Evie. It's more punk, you know. And you don't have a Killjoy name yet so that my nickname for you." He brings his finger up to my face and touches the tip of my nose, saying, 'boop'.

I chuckle and he let's go and walks over to Party Poison. Ghoul takes the cigarette out of the other boy's mouth and puts it between his teeth. "You know, smoking kills." He wiggles his eyebrows at the red-haired boy and gets a lighter from his pocket, igniting it and lighting the cigarette. He takes a drag and then hands it back to Party, standing on his toes to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. "C'mon E." He calls and disappears through a doorway.

Party puffs on the cigarette as Jet walks up behind.

"Hey, no smoking inside." he plucks the cigarette out of the other boy's mouth and stamps it out on the ground.

Party throws his hands up in the air. "Oh, come on, Star! I've only got a few left."

Jet ignores him and turns his attention on me. "You ready? He's in the recording room," he smiles and puts out a gloved hand. I walk over and take it. His hand was reassuring, and my nerves calmed.

We walk behind Party and he leads us past two doors, bathrooms I'm assuming by the ladies and men signs on them. Down the hallway we come to a room that I guess was once a break or storage room for the diner. The door was open, so we walk on through.

The room's walls are covered in thick blankets, hanging up by nails and shelves with hundreds of CDs stacked along them. Small strips of paper stick out of the CD stacks showing what artist is where. I recognise a few; David Bowie, Green Day, Iggy Pop, Aerosmith, Blink-182, Black Sabbath, Red Hot Chili Peppers...

The person that served us dinner last night is sitting next to a boom box in the corner putting CDs back into their cases. They're still wearing the motorbike helmet.

A table sits in the middle of it all, housing a computer that looks to be from 2012 (as new as you can get around here), a digital audio workstation, an audio interface and a microphone. Headphones lay discarded on the table next to an open, half-eaten can of BL/Inds dogfood and a Dr Pepper.

I didn't know what I was expecting to see when I finally met Dr Death Defying, but I know it wasn't this. He's wearing a black bandana tied around long black hair, a black denim jacket with a black singlet top underneath with black jeans. His hands were covered by fingerless black leather gloves. Also, he's in a wheelchair which, weirdly, wasn't the first thing I noticed. He gave off an 80s heavy metal, rock'n'roll vibe. No wonder he and my dad were best mates.

He smiles at me and puts down the fork he was holding. "The girl of the hour. Nice to finally met you." He rolls out from behind the table towards me and sticks out a hand for me to shake.

I take it and introduce myself as Evie.

"Oh, I know who you are, kid. Your old man he... He told us a lot about you. I'm sorry he's gone." he's holding my hand in his in attempt to comfort me. My thoughts are everywhere and nowhere. I give a sad, small smile in reply.

"So, are you ready to be a Killjoy?" He questions, straight to the point, breaking the awkward silence around the topic of my dad.

"Ahh, I don't really know if I'm cut out for-" I start before Party cuts me off and says, "She's ready. She just needs a name. And clothes." He looks at me up and down smirks playfully.

I stare at him blankly, my mouth still open. Does he really think I can do this?

He shoots me a look that answers my question. Yes, I do.

"Right then. Party, Ghoul, Kobra and Sunshine can take you to the mall for clothes and restock if you can. Show Pony is gonna take me down to Zone 2 in the van to see how things are rolling, maybe get some supplies from the hospital. We'll be down there for a week or so." Dr Death says. "Oh, and when I come back you better have a name." He chuckles.

"So, it's just gonna be Jet and Missile here?" Party questions looking concerned.

"Hey, I've got this covered. I'm more worried about you five. Stay outta trouble cause I won't be there to save you." Jet interjects.

"Ahh yes, how will we survive without our voice of reason?" Ghoul says giving the taller boy a nudge.


lowkey just found out that the diner is in Zone 4 and not Zone 6. im sorry, i feel ashamed.

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