these pigs are after me

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~ These Pigs Are After Me (after you) ~
Bulletproof Heart - My Chemical Romance

I frantically tip out the empty spray paint cans out of the duffle bag, letting them roll around the room. I upturn Dad's box into the black bag, throw in some clothes, the raygun, my cassettes, CDs, books and the radio.

Party had run out behind Fun but not before yelling at me to pack my shit.

Throwing the bag over my shoulder, I take one last look around my insanely colourful room and sprint down the hallway.

The front door was wide open, so I run threw it, squinting at the sudden brightness of the sun. I can hear rayguns being fired and I shade my eyes to get a better view of the scene.

About half a dozen SCARECROWs are marching up the street, Draculoids behind them wearing their soulless, zombie masks.

A car with a black spider painted on the hood is parked in the middle of the street while four boys take cover behind it. Party Poison and Fun Ghoul were two of said boys and occasionally Party stands, using the car as a shield, firing back at the army of BLI bastards.

Ghoul spots me and waves me over but signals to get down. I interpret this as getting as low as I can, running over to join them huddling behind the car. Once I'm there, a boy with wild, curly hair and aviators opens the back-car door and climbs in. Ghoul gestures for me to go in after him. I chuck my bag over the seat and into the boot and get in next to Afro hair. Ghoul gets in, sitting next to me.

Party and a blonde-haired boy were still outside, and it takes Ghoul yelling over the firing to get Blondie climbing over us and into the driver's seat. He starts the car. Party opens the passenger door and gets in just as Blondie starts to drive us away.


The blonde-haired Killjoy drives extremely fast around the corners, so much so that I'm leaning into to either Fun Ghoul or curly afro guy.

The car is silent until Party says "Keep an eye out. I have no doubt they'll try and follow us." With that, the blonde-haired driver takes a sharp left and I fall into Ghoul. He laughs and pats my head.

It was a weird feeling. These people. I hadn't had a proper conversation with someone in years. The only human contact I've had is giving someone a small smile if I was walking down the street or a thank you when the delivery man dropped off my week's food.

It was intimidating. These boys came into my house and are taking me away to god knows where. I don't know what to say or how to act.

"So uhh... What's your name?" Afro guy says after the car goes silent again.

"We already know her name, Jet. She's Genevieve." The driver says.

"Yeah, I know but I didn't wanna be rude."

"Don't call me that," I say, and they all turn to me, Blondie looking at me throw through the rear-view mirror with his sunglasses on. "It's Evie, not Genevieve." My parents used to call me Genevieve. After Dad died, I never wanted to use it again. But this is the first time someone has ever asked my name, let alone already knew it.

"Do you have a Killjoy name?" Wild hair asks.

I look down at my lap, my hands fingering the hem of my hoodie. "No." I say in a small voice. I suddenly feel pathetic. These stupid cute guys risked their lives to save mine and take me with them. But I wasn't one of them.

"Well, we need to get you one." He says and gives me a warm smile. "I'm Jet Star, by the way." He holds out a leather-gloved hand. I hesitate. He takes off his aviators with his other hand revealing kind brown eyes. I take his outstretched hand and he shakes lightly.

"Motherfucker," Party says under his breath, winding down his window. He pokes his head out and starts shooting wildly at whatever is behind us. Jet, Ghoul and I all turn around in our seats.

Three white vans with the smiley, BL/Ind logo are gaining on us. Blondie floors the accelerator and suddenly we're in a car chase scene from a movie, flying down the outer suburbs of Battery City.

Ghoul nudges me. "Swap seats with me." I frantically nod my head and slide underneath him into the passenger side seat. Ghoul now in the middle, slides open the sunroof and stands up, so his head and upper body is sticking out the top.

"Are you crazy, you're gonna get your head blown off." Jet says, winding down his own window.

The three boys are firing fiercely at the vans behind us which are only 50 metres away now. Blondie turns right hard and I go flying into Fun's legs. I get myself together and start to wind down my window, not exactly sure if I'm ready for this shit.

"Hey!" Blondie yells at me. Although I can't see his eyes, I know he's staring straight at me. "Keep your limbs inside the car, OK? Leave it to these fuckers. I don't want you dying or getting injured when we just saved you." I glare at him through the mirror but take my hands away from the window.

"Now hold on! I'm gonna try and lose 'em." He yells over the car engine and raygun fire.

He takes 3 sharp turns, me clinging for my life to the back of Party's seat. We're in the slums now. I'd never seen this part of the city. The houses are shacks made from white sheets of tin and planks of wood, also painted white. The streets are dirtier with the usually white footpath grey and brown from neglect.

I hear a whoop from above and Ghoul bangs his fists on the roof. He pops his head down and yells "I got the son of a bitch." I turn around to see the first van spinning wildly, its front tyres blown.

"We still got two more on our tail," Party yells back still hanging outside the car.

Blondie the driver takes an unexpected turn right. One of the two vans that are left tries to follow but crashes into the other. That has the van losing control and swerves up the gutter and onto the footpath before it rolls on its side.

The crash doesn't seem to faze the last van and it's gaining even faster.

"Kobra, slow down a bit," Party says.

"Are you crazy?" Blondie (or now Kobra) replies. I had to agree. If anything, we needed to go faster not slow down.

"Brother, just trust me," Party says making eye contact with him. Brother?

Some sort of understanding seemed to pass between them and Kobra takes his foot off the accelerator a little. Party is back out the window and I can hear him whispering to himself "C'mon, c'mon. A little closer." The van is right up our ass now, 2 metres away.

"Fire at will!" he shouts, and all three boys are firing at the windscreen of the van. I watch in horror as cracks spiderweb outwards and suddenly, BANG!

The front window explodes apart, completely shattered leaving the driver of the van exposed. Party hits his mark and the van loses control when the driver slumps forward on the steering wheel, dead.

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