we can live like Jack and Sally if you want

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~ We Can Live Like Jack And Sally If You Want ~
I Miss You - Blink-182

Power Pup is served for dinner and it is safe to say that I am nowhere near used to the taste yet.

Jet and Sunshine occupy the two armchairs as usual. Missile is sitting in Party's lap at one end of the sofa. Fun Ghoul is moping next to them probably because he isn't getting enough attention from the red-haired boy beside him. I was squashed between Ghoul and the end of the sofa.

Kobra comes back from behind the counter arms filled with small colourful boxes. He chucks one each to Jet and Sunshine then sits on the arm of the sofa next to me. He passes one to me and I examine the box in my hands. A juice box. Tropical flavour. I smile at the fading picture of various kinds of fruit on the front, having not seen the juicy goodness in years.

"Where's mine?" The little girl whines as Kobra gives one to Party and Ghoul leaving one for himself.

"No sugar before bed, we've talked about this. You'll be up all night." Jet says to the pouting girl.

She doesn't argue because Party is whispering something in her ear. She giggles and goes back to eating her dinner - if you can even call a can of dog food dinner.

Not a minute later I watch Party discreetly let the girl have a sip from his juice box.

I rip the straw off the side of my own and shove it into the box, a little more aggressively than required. I suck on the straw and practically moan from the sugary goodness entering my mouth. Even the half decent BLI food didn't taste this real. Sugar is a drug I haven't had a hit of in too long. Kobra nudges me giving me a look.

"Calm down, its juice, not cum," Ghoul says from my other side. I laugh at that, finding humour in his dirty joke.

"Tastes so good," I say still giggling.

"That's what he said last night." Ghoul motions the Party.

"Ghoul! Can you not in front of the children!" Jet yells at the same time as Kobra gives him a wack on the head.

After that Ghoul goes back to being mopey and Missile decides she wants to watch Nightmare Before Christmas (there were a few sighs implying that this was a regular occurrence).

Jet sets up the movie while Sunshine collects all the finished cans and empty juice boxes. Everyone gets comfortable. Party slings an arm around Ghoul's shoulders which seems to lift the raven-haired boy's spirits a bit. Missile lays across the boys and I, Party getting her head, Ghoul her torso and legs and I'm left with her feet. Kobra decided that the sofa arm is not a comfy choice and now sits next to my legs on the floor.

The movie opens with a creepy song about Halloween and Missile is giggling and singing along.

I'm enjoying the movie but about halfway through I look over at Sunshine to see she's asleep, sitting in an awkward position, mouth hanging open. I chuckle. Ghoul looks at me confused as to why I laughed because we weren't at a particularly funny part of the movie. I point to her and he smiles.

"Jet!" he whisper-yells to the curly-haired boy in the recliner. Ghoul motions to the sleeping girl and Jet rolls his eyes.

He gets up out of his comfy chair looking like this happens all the time. He picks her up, bridal style and carries her away, no doubt to put her to bed.

"She lasted longer than usual." Ghoul whispers in my ear.

Jet comes back but only lasts another 15 minutes before he goes to bed as well.

Another 10 minutes and Ghoul is snoring on Party's shoulder. From my angle it looks like Party is also asleep, resting his head on top of Ghoul's. They looked peaceful even though Ghoul's mouth is wide open.

The girl in their lap is still awake thoroughly enjoying the movie, singing the songs and giggling every minute.

Kobra now occupies Jets seat, a blanket pulled up to his neck. He looks adorable sitting like that, his head the only part of his body visible. His sunglasses sit on top of his head pushing his hair back. He isn't asleep and looks to be enjoying to movie as much as Missile is. Maybe not quite as much. She's giggling again and I'm surprised it doesn't wake the two sleeping boys she's laying on.

I suddenly get a warm feeling, like sunshine on a cool day, spreading out from my chest. It was foreign or at least I think it was. It felt like a hole had been filled. All the loneliness I felt in those 6 years suddenly disappears and I come to a realisation.

This was a family. It wasn't just a group of friends brought together by dire circumstances, but a family that chose each other despite the hard times.

Memories from an hour ago fill my head. Eating together, watching a movie together. Even earlier today at breakfast. I've only been here one full night, but the sense of togetherness was overwhelming even on the car ride here. And I belong. I belong here with them. A new addition to their big, mix-n-match family. They may not trust me completely, nor do I trust them completely, but I feel- I know that one day we will.


short chapter because its kind of a filler
also that mcr video has me so shook I can't breathe it was a work of art

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