we can steal this car

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~ We Can Steal This Car (if your folks don't mind) ~
Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back - My Chemical Romance

When I wake up, it's still dark. A figure sits on the sofa arm and my first thought is its Kobra Kid.

"Finally." The figure whispers, "Put your shoes on and get up." The figure ignites a lighter and it splashes flickering light across their face. I'm right, it's Kobra. He isn't wearing sunglasses.

"Why... are you taking me back to the city?" I ask my mind jumping to the worst reason he could have for waking me up and demanding I put my shoes on. Although I thought a lot more blindfolding would be involved.

His face softens. "Of course not. you're here to stay." He almost smiles, almost. I find myself trusting him with the almost smile and reach for my shoes. "And hurry up. 'Cause if Party catches us, we'll both be dead." He walks off and out the door, incredibly quietly.

I stuff my feet into the shoes, lace them, then follow him trying my hardest to also be quiet. He's leaning on the car, swinging the keys around on his middle finger. He tosses them to me as I approach and, of course, I drop them. They land in the dust beside my feet and I pick them up, praying that it's dark enough that he can't see the blush on my face.

"Great start." He chuckles and opens the door on the driver's side motioning I hop in.

I hesitate because of the valid reason that he knows how to drive, and I do not, therefore logic tells us that he should be in the driver's side. "Uhh, I don't know how to drive..." I say feeling embarrassed by the fact.

"I know. I'm gonna teach you."

I nod slowly not really expecting Kobra of all people to take me for driving lessons, without Party's permission as well. I walk towards the car and Kobra moves so I can get in. He closes the door for me careful not to make a loud noise and gets in on the other side.

"Ok, so there are no speed limits in the Zones, most traffic signs have been spray-painted over and the only rule is there are no rules," He explains. He's looking at me and I can't see what colour his eyes, they look black in the darkness. He points down at my feet still looking at me. "Three pedals: clutch, brake, throttle." I nod breaking the eye-contact to look down at the pedals. "Push the clutch in when changing gears," He points at the stick that sits between us. "This is the gear stick. Take note of the little numbers, they're important. The second pedal is the break and the last is the throttle. That's the fun one." I nod. "Ok, we're going to have to do this really quick. Put the key in the ignition." He points to the keyhole under the steering wheel and I stick it in. "Push the clutch in." I do. "Put it into first." I look at the gear stick and see a 1 in the top left. I move the stick into position. "Good, now when I say go, you're going to turn the car on and let the clutch out slowly, while you use your other foot on the throttle. I'll steer."

I look at him completely confused and slightly scared.

"You'll be fine, we just need to be fast cause Party is a light sleeper. I'm surprised he hasn't woken up already," He mumbles the last part.

"Why," I ask.

"Because he's the leader, he has to be ready for anything, I guess. If he hears a car without knowing for sure it's one of us-"

"No, I mean why are you teaching me to drive at the crack of dawn, without Party's permission. It just seems pretty odd, considering you and I haven't really had a proper conversation until now."

He turns away looking out his passenger window. "Well... every Killjoy needs to know how to drive, and Party didn't want you to learn in this car. It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission, so fuck it. But it's kinda his baby, he doesn't trust many people with it, not even Ghoul." I can see why. he seems pretty reckless. "Ok, you ready?"

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