and you only live forever in the lights you make

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~ And You Only Live Forever In The Lights You Make ~
The Kids From Yesterday - My Chemical Romance

I scream. My legs turn to jelly at the sight of her crumbling body, but I muster the energy to run to her side.

Guns are firing and I hear the hard thump of another body hitting the ground. The shooting stops.

I fall to my knees at her side. Blood soaks her once bright, orange crop top and is slowly pooling around her. She's still breathing, but her eyes are closed like she's sleeping. Asleep or dead? I can't speak. My mind is racing with things to say, but they won't come out my mouth. she chokes on blood that's flooding her throat and her eyes fly open. Her deep, brown eyes, full of pain and sorrow. She doesn't speak. I feel her hand on my elbow and it says everything she wants to say but can't. Thank you. But not just to me. The boys and Missile and Dr Death Defying and Show Pony too.

I hold her face in my palm. "Please stay, please don't leave. I need you... I love you..." Tears well in my eyes.

She slowly brings her hand up to mine and clutches it with whatever strength she has left. She coughs then whispers, "I love you too... thank you."

Tears start sliding down my cheeks. An arm falls on my shoulders and pulls me into a hug. I look up to see Kobra, sunglasses on, holding me to his chest. Ghoul comes over and crouches on Sunshine's other side, taking her hand.

"Shit. Sunny, I don't know if I can pull you out of this one," He says, voice cracking like he's holding back tears.

She gives a small smile then coughs again. "Don't miss me too much... tell everyone I love them..." Her eyes flutter shut, and they don't open again.

Heavy sobs overcome me as I feel her hand relax lifelessly in mine. I bury my face in Kobra's neck. He holds me tighter, resting his chin on the top of my head. I don't know how long we stay like this for, but we all jump when a raygun is fired.

I look up to see that Party has shot the gun out of the Draculoid's hands and he pushes them up against the wall. The Drac was already wounded from my shot to the leg, but Party puts his yellow raygun up to their forehead and pulls the trigger. He holds the Drac there, not letting the lifeless body hit the ground. Beneath his messy red, his wild, hazel eyes show the lust for revenge. I can see his hands trembling as he holds the dead Drac still against the wall.

Ghoul gets up quick and sprints over to him yelling something my brain can't take in. Party lets go and collapses in the other boy's arms, crying. Ghoul whispers things in his ear that I can't hear, and I turn my attention back to the beautiful, dead girl in front of me. Kobra loosens his grip on me and picks up a box from the pool of blood. Blue hair dye. That's what she was so excited about. We shouldn't have split up. Stupid idea. But of course, I can't blame her, or anyone for that matter. This was purely just misfortune in its worst degree.

I take the box of hair dye from Kobra, wipe the blood on my shirt and stuff it in my shoulder bag.

I look up into his face, pleading with my eyes. "What do I do?" I whisper. I was lost. My mind was quiet and the only thought my brain could come up was a question. Was this my fault? If I had spotted the Drac earlier, she would have had more time. If I had run and pushed her out of the way, she'd be alive. If only the Drac had spotted me first...

Kobra doesn't say anything. He just wraps his arms around me. It's comforting but my mind was now filled with scenarios of what I could have done to save her. I failed her. I failed my best friend.


Everything moved at a fast pace. like someone was fast-forwarding a movie.

Party calmed down quick and left to scout for anymore Dracs or SCARECROWS.

Ghoul got a bed sheet from the Bed Bath & Beyond. It was bright orange with flowers printed on it. He and Kobra moved her on a display bed and cleaned off some of the blood with towels.

My chest is heavy as I watch them, loud sobs threatening to escape but I keep them down, making myself think she's just passed out. She's not dead, just passed out from blood loss. Yes. She's fine. She'll wake up.

But the boys start to wrap her lifeless body in the sheet, and I choke trying to keep the heavy sob down. Kobra looks over at me, sunglasses now off, concern all over his face. I push the mountain of emotions aside in my mind and rearrange my facial expression into one that isn't full of pain. I walk over and help wrap her in the sheet, trying hard to keep my hands from shaking.

Ghoul picks up the body that's now in the sheet, just as Party runs in.

"Two more- no Scarecrows. We can escape out the south doors." he pants, pointing his raygun towards the exit. His red hair is messier than usual, panic in his eyes. "We need to get her out of here. Now!"

We scramble into action. Ghoul carries her body bridal style and runs out of Bed Bath & Beyond after Party. Kobra and I follow, picking up my raygun from where I left it laying near the pool of blood. We run as fast as we can with the bags full of supplies on our backs, but the last two Dracs catch up to us. Laser beams whizz past, narrowly missing us. Party is awkwardly running backwards, shooting frantically but he wasn't hitting. He comes to a halt and yells at us to keep going. I obey but Kobra stops.

"I'm not leaving you to get killed by yourself motherfucker," Kobra says, pulling out his gun from the inside of his jacket.

Ghoul is still running in front of me. I want to stop and fight but after what happened to Sunshine, I was scared. So, I keep running.


sorry i don't know how to write death scenes, i wish this was better

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