get in loser, we're going shopping

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Get In Loser, We're Going Shopping

I wake up, eyes still closed, with a heavy weight on top of me. Someone is sleeping on my chest and they're hair is tickling my nose. They breathe heavy. Still asleep.

I'm pressed up against the couch and the unidentified person is next to me with their head resting on my chest.

I open my eyes, squinting from the sunlight streaming in through the windows.

A mop of blonde hair is in my face and my heart beats faster as I realise who it is. I feel myself start to panic because of my close proximity to this hot-as-hell lump on top of me. Our legs are entwined with a blanket thrown over us both. One of my hands is stuck under his body but the other is free so I use it to poke his face softly.

Kobra groans and pulls the blanket over his face, almost punching me. I giggle and poke through the blanket. He makes a sudden movement throwing the blanket off, grabbing my arms and flipping over so he's glaring down at me, his hands pinning mine down either side of my head. He has puffy eyes from sleep and his hair is messy and falling on his face. His face is inches away from mine and somehow it still feels too far away.

He stares at me and I get lost in his dark mocha eyes and tragic, 'almost-smile' lips. After a minute of intense eye contact, his face falls. He must realise what's happening because he gets off the couch immediately, taking the blanket with him.

He mumbles under his breath. "Shit, I'm sorry." Then chucks the blanket back to me. He looks at me for a minute longer then turns quickly walking to the bathroom.

I sit up and stare at the black screen of the TV. What the fuck was that. My palms are sweaty and I wipe them on the couch cushion trying to calm the fuck down.

I hear footsteps and I freeze expecting Kobra.

"Man last night was so good." Ghoul moans. He yawns and plops down next to me. "How was your night E?" He waggles his eyebrows.

Does he know? Does Party know? My heart quickens in pace and I answer as casually as I can.

"No. Why? What have you heard? It was average. Nothing happened. Nothing special. Just sleep. What was so good about yours?"


"Ahh... you know... things got a little bit gay if you know what I mean." He smirks. "I fucked Party in the ass then-"

"I really don't need you to elaborate. I get it." I cut him off before I get a play by play on they're sex life.

"Fair enough. Soooo... you and Kobra huh?"

I stare at him for a minute with my mouth open in shock. Keep it casual.

"What. No. Why would you think that? I- I- we- nothing happened, we just feel asleep. I don't like him like that. Stop interrogating me."

"Woah calm down. Kobra came in while I was taking a piss looking all flustered and he started pacing, saying 'shit' and 'oh my fucking god' and I thought something happened." He explains. He doesn't look convinced though. And why was Kobra freaking out in the bathroom for?

"Look, nothing happened I promise. We just slept together. Oh my god, slept together as in no sex, just sleeping."

He smirks again and I slap his arm.


Sunshine is doing my makeup again. Party came in 20 minutes ago and told us that we're leaving in half an hour. But we have no clocks so the concept of time is vague to us. It's probably been half an hour already. Who knows.

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